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Guidance on the classification of attachments to construction equipment

ID 183 | | Visite: 12001 | Documenti Riservati Direttiva macchinePermalink:

CECE Guidelines attachments machinery directive 2006/42/EC

CECE guidance on the classification of attachments to construction equipment for the machinery directive 2006/42/EC

The attachments fitted on construction equipment may be considered in the frame of machinery directive 2006/42/EC as part of a machine, interchangeable equipment and Partly Completed Machinery (further called PCM).

This document gives criteria and guidelines to identify the status of the various type of attachment as established by directive 2006/42/EC. 

a. Basic attachment or tools

b. Interchangeable equipment

c. Partly Completed Machinery (PCM)

Lifting accessories have also been considered.

This document has been set up to ensure a common understanding between the various parties concerned and a common approach for the manufacturers.

CECE 2012

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