Restrizioni alla deadline: consultazione pubblica per Bisfenolo A, PFOA e Cyclomethicone
ID 2004 | | Visite: 7411 | Regolamento REACH | Permalink: |

Restrizioni alla deadline: consultazione pubblica per Bisfenolo A, PFOA e Cyclomethicone
Sono in alla deadline le consultazioni pubbliche dell'ECHA sulle bozze di opinione del SEAC per le restrizioni su Bisfenolo A e PFOA (scadenza 16 novembre 2015) e la consultazione pubblica sulla proposta di restrizione del Cyclomethicone (scadenza 18 dicembre 2015).
This table shows submitted restriction proposals and specifies their status and any ongoing public consultations on conforming restriction proposals; the link to the web form for submitting comments to ECHA during the relevant public consultations can be found by clicking on details.
Two deadlines are given in the table below; comments submitted by the first deadline are often the very influential as they will be considered in the first discussion on the proposed restriction and for most impact comments should be submitted at the latest 1 month before the final deadline.
Please note: the ECHA Committees will not take into account the comments received after the final deadline in their opinion making process.
Tags: Chemicals