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Agents classified by the IARC monographs, volumes 1-122

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List of agent classification IARC

Agents classified by the IARC monographs, volumes 1-122

Last Update 17.09.2018

The International Agency for Research on Cancer just released a new list of classification. It is strongly recommended to consult the complete Monographs on these agents, the publication date and the list of studies considered. 

Group 1 Carcinogenic to humans 120 agents
Group 2A Probably carcinogenic to humans   82
Group 2B         Possibly carcinogenic to humans 302
Group 3 Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans             501
Group 4 Probably not carcinogenic to humans     1

For definitions of these groups, please see the Preamble.

It is strongly recommended to consult the complete Monographs on these agents, the publication date, and the list of studies considered.  Significant new information might support a different classification.
For agents that have not been classified, no determination of non-carcinogenicity or overall safety should be inferred.


IARC 2018
The Preamble to the IARC Monographs describes the objective and scope of the programme, the scientific principles and procedures used in developing a Monograph, the types of evidence considered and the scientific criteria that guide the evaluations. The Preamble should be consulted when reading a Monograph or list of evaluations.
IARC 2018

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