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Europe, Rome

EU's evaluation roadmap of the LVD

ID 5118 | | Visite: 3602 | Documenti Marcatura CE UEPermalink:

Evalutation Roadmap LVD

EU's evaluation roadmap of the LVD

Evaluation of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU

EC 30.10.2017

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess if the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU is fit for purpose in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, EU added value. On the basis of the conclusions on the performance of the Directive, the Commission will assess which next steps may be necessary to improve the performance of the Directive.

The analysis is also intended to collect evidence and information to point out if and where issues arise and what improvements could be envisaged and should identify potential difficulties in the implementation that may require regulatory or/and non-regulatory corrective measures, , also with a view to the properly functioning of the internal market.. At the same time, it must be checked whether the increased number of safeguard clauses and objections to harmonised standards raised by Member States indicate the need for a revision of the scope, the health and safety requirements and their links with the related conformity assessment procedures.

Finally, its interaction with other pieces of legislation, and in particular with the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU, the Electromagnetic Compatibility directive (EMC) 2014/30/EU, the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, with a view to the coherence in case of simultaneous applications and taking into account the technical development (including in areas such as energy efficiency and digitalisation), will be evaluated.

Consultation strategy

The consultation approach will include both public and targeted consultations. The public consultation will be open to general public. The more specific targeted consultations will involve main stakeholders and take place by means of interviews and surveys with, at least:

- the competent authorities in Member States responsible for the implementation of the Directive (including market surveillance authorities);
- representatives from Industry, European federations and SMEs;
- representatives from environmental NGOs;
- consumer associations and consumers;
- representatives of the European Standardisation Organisations (CENELEC - European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) and the New Approach CENELEC consultants.

The different tools that will be used in the evaluation to reach stakeholders are:

- 12-week internet based open public consultation, in 24 languages, to be carried out through on-line consultation tools (EU Survey in order to ensure transparency and accountability and to give any interested party the possibility to contribute. This consultation will be available via the Commission's dedicated website:
- Targeted consultations and interviews with the representatives of the stakeholders mentioned above (3 languages).

Fonte: Commissione Europea


Position paper Orgalime 27.11.2017

Orgalime answer to the European Commission’s evaluation roadmap of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU


We hereby address some points raised in the roadmap, specifically:

1 – The LVD is ready for the challenges that may arise from the digitalisation of electrical devices and household appliances and their coexistence with the Internet of Things.

2 – The LVD scope is fit for placing safe electric products on the market, incl. below 50 V

3 – Safeguard clauses and objections to harmonised standards are not a good reason to call for a revision of the LVD.

4 – The interface between LVD and other EU Directives does not raise any issue


The LVD has given the industry a stable and well-established way to demonstrate compliance with the law for the placing on the market of products attaining a high level of health and safety in the whole of the European Union territory. Our industry values the LVD for its legal stability and predictability and firmly believes that the Directive remains fit for purpose for at least the next decade. We clearly believe that identified legal or enforcement problems, if any, can and should therefore be addressed without revising the LVD.

Fonte: Orgalime


Scarica questo file (Roadmap LVD 30.10.2017.pdf)EC evaluation roadmap of the LVD 30.10.2017
EN274 kB986

Tags: Marcatura CE Direttiva LV

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