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Europe, Rome

EN ISO 13855:2025

ID 23399 | | Visite: 579 | News NormazionePermalink:

EN ISO 13855 2025

EN ISO 13855:2025 / Machinery Positioning of safeguards whit approach of the human body

ID 23399 | 03.02.2025 / Preview attached

EN ISO 13855:2025
Safety of machinery - Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach of the human body (ISO 13855:2024)

Valid from 03.02.2025

This document specifies requirements for the positioning and dimensioning of safeguards with respect to the approach of the human body or its parts towards hazard(s) within the intended span-of-control as follows:

- the position and dimension of the detection zone(s) of ESPE and pressure-sensitive mats and pressuresensitive floors;
- the position of two-hand control devices and single control devices;
- the position of interlocking guards.

This document also specifies requirements for the positioning of safety-related manual control devices (SRMCD) with respect to the approach of the human body or its parts from within the safeguard space relative to:

- the position and dimension of the detection zone(s) of ESPE and pressure-sensitive mats and pressuresensitive floors; and
- the position and dimension of interlocking guards.

When evaluating the ability of the human body or its parts to access SRMCD from within the intended safeguarded space, the requirements of this document are also applicable to determine the dimensions of safeguard(s). Approaches such as running, jumping or falling, are not considered in this document.

NOTE 1 The values for approach speeds (walking speed and upper limb movement) in this document are time tested and proven in practical experience.

NOTE 2 Other types of approach can result in approach speeds that are higher or lower than those defined in this document.

This document applies to safeguards used on machinery for the protection of persons 14 years and older.

Safeguards considered in this document include:

a) electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) such as:
- active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs) (see IEC 61496-2);
- AOPDs responsive to diffuse reflection that have one or more detection zone(s) specified in two dimensions (AOPDDRs-2D) (see IEC 61496-3);
- AOPDs responsive to diffuse reflection that have one or more detection zone(s) specified in three dimensions (AOPDDRs-3D) (see IEC 61496-3);
- vision based protective devices using reference pattern techniques (VBPDPP) (see IEC/TS61496-4-2);
- vision based protective devices using stereo vision techniques (VBPDST) (see IEC/TS 61496-4-3);
b) pressure-sensitive mats and pressure-sensitive floors (see ISO 13856-1);
c) two-hand control devices (see ISO 13851);
d) single control devices;
e) interlocking guards (see ISO 14120).

This document is not applicable to:

- safeguards (e.g. pendant two-hand control devices) that can be manually moved, without using tools, nearer to the hazard zone than the separation distance;
- protection against the risks from hazards arising from emissions (e.g. the ejection of solid or fluid materials, radiation, electric arcs, heat, noise, fumes, gases);
- protection against the risks arising from failure of mechanical parts of the machine or gravity falls.

The separation distances derived from this document do not apply to safeguards used solely for presence sensing function.



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