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New version of Chesar available in June

ID 2647 | | Visite: 4768 | Documenti Chemicals ECHAPermalink:

Temi: Chemicals , Reach

New version of Chesar available in June

The new release date for the update of ECHA's Chemical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool, Chesar, is 21 June 2016.

Helsinki, 19 May 2016 – The webinar on Chesar 3 will be on the same day. Those who are taking part in the webinar will be given access to the application beforehand to get familiar with it. So, if you are still planning to register for the webinar, do it soon.

At the same time, a minor update of IUCLID 6 will be published, which will ensure compatibility between IUCLID 6 and Chesar 3. Chesar 3 users will be required to install this update.

Only Chesar users need to update their IUCLID 6, other users of the IUCLID system will not need to do so. More information will be available on the IUCLID 6 website.


CHEmical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool

What is Chesar?

Chesar is an application developed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to help companies carry out their chemical safety assessments (CSAs) and prepare their chemical safety reports (CSRs) and exposure scenarios (ES) for communication in the supply chain.

Chesar enables registrants to carry out their safety assessments in a structured, harmonised and efficient way. This includes the importing of substance-related data directly from IUCLID, describing the uses of the substance, identifying risk management measures if needed, carrying out exposure estimates and demonstrating control of risks. Based on this, Chesar automatically generates the CSR and exposure scenarios for communication in an electronic exchange format and as a text document. It also facilitates the re-use (or update) of assessment elements generated in a single Chesar instance or imported from external sources.

Tags: Chemicals Reach

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