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Forest Products Annual Market Review 2017-2018

ID 7819 | | Visite: 2803 | Legislazione suoloPermalink:

Forest Products Annual Market Review 2017 2018

Forest Products Annual Market Review 2017-2018

The Forest Products Annual Market Review 2017-2018 provides a comprehensive analysis of markets in the UNECE region and reports on the main market influences outside the UNECE region.

It covers the range of products from the forest to the enduser: from roundwood and primary processed products to value-added and housing. Statistics-based chapters analyse the markets for wood raw materials, sawn softwood, sawn hardwood, wood-based panels, paper, paperboard and woodpulp.

Other chapters analyse policies and markets for wood energy. Underlying the analysis is a comprehensive collection of data.

The Review highlights the role of sustainable forest products in international markets. Policies concerning forests and forest products are discussed, as well as the main drivers and trends. The Review also analyses the effects of the current economic situation on forest products markets.

UNECE 2018


Scarica questo file (Forest Products Annual Market Review 2017-2018.pdf)Forest Products Annual Market Review 2017-2018
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Tags: Ambiente Foreste / Boschi / Parchi

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