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Amendment of the European List of Waste entries relevant to batteries

ID 23582 | | Visite: 104 | Documenti Ambiente EntiPermalink:

JRC Amendment of the European List of Waste entries relevant to batteries 2024

Technical recommendations for the targeted amendment of the European List of Waste entries relevant to batteries

ID 23582 | 09.03.2025 / Report attached

This report is the deliverable of Work Package 8 "Technical support to develop a proposal for the targeted amendment of the European List of Waste entries relevant to batteries" of the Joint Research Centre (JRC)’s Administrative Agreement providing support for the new batteries regulatory framework to DG ENV and DG GROW.

The JRC is providing technical support to the accompanying measures related to the Batteries Regulation, in particular for the development of a targeted amendment of the European List of Waste entries relevant to batteries. This potential amendment would help better categorise the waste flows associated with new types of batteries, to improve the accuracy and traceability of battery waste flow monitoring and ensure a level playing field in the EU.

This report presents the results of the technical analysis carried out to support the potential targeted amendment examining batteries, battery wastes, and industry processes; it has been developed through desk research complemented by extensive stakeholder input and field visits.

The report presents current evidence on the relevant battery waste streams identified, their composition and their hazard properties, as well as a recommendation for new or revised six-digit waste code entries to the List of Waste relevant to batteries.

JRC 139124

Scarica questo file (JRC Amendment of the European List of Waste entries relevant to batteries 2024.pdf)JRC Amendment of the European List of Waste entries relevant to batteries
JRC 2024
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