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Europe, Rome

Guide to application of the lifts Directive 95/16/EC

ID 1086 | | Visite: 12758 | Guide Nuovo ApproccioPermalink:

Guide to application of the lifts Directive 95/16/EC

EC 15 May 2007  (as updated by the Lifts Committee on 10 October 2009)


The Guide to application of the lifts Directive 2014/53/UE supersedes the Guide to application of the lifts Directive 95/16/EC.

See the new Guide Lift Directive 2024/53/UE

This Guide sets out the text of the Lifts Directive 95/16/EC and includes comments on its provisions.

The Guide has been drawn up by the services of the European Commission following consultation of the Member States and of representatives of the lifts industry, standardisation, Notified Bodies and users of lifts. It draws widely on the discussions and conclusions of the Lifts Working Group. It has been approved by the Lifts Committee set up under Article 6(3) of the Lifts Directive.

Most of the comments address issues that are specific to the Lifts Directive. Guidance on the general concepts underlying the Directive can be found in the Commission’s Guide to the implementation of Directives based on the New Approach and the Global Approach.

It is important to stress that while this Guide aims to foster uniform interpretation and application of the provisions of the Lifts Directive, only the texts implementing the provisions of the Directive in each Member State have the force of law.

The Guide is published by the European Commission on the Website EUROPA in English.

The Member States have been invited to make available other language versions of the

Guide, however, only the English version has been checked by the Commission and, in case of doubt, reference should be made to this version.

It is intended to update the Guide regularly in order to include opinions adopted by the Lifts Committee or answers agreed by the Lifts Working Group to questions that arise during application of the Directive.

The Guide includes hyperlinks to a number of reference documents.

In the following Guide, the text of the Directive is presented in boxes in red italic type and the comments are presented below the text of the Directive in black normal type.


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Allegato riservato Guide application lifts directive 10.2009_en.pdf
437 kB 97

Tags: Marcatura CE Direttiva ascensori

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