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Nanotecnologie - Network NanOSH Italia

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Nanotecnologie - Network NanOSH Italia

Exposure to engineered nanomaterials and their health and safety impacts at work

L'esposizione a nanomateriali ingegnerizzati e gli effetti sulla salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro

The White Book "Exposure to engineered nanomaterials and their health and safety impacts at work" is the first result of such collaboration.

The White Book attempts to define the state of the art in this field within the Italian context and paves the way for a debate on occupational health and safety and regulatory perspectives, with a view to involving institutions and social partners.

In a first phase, a plan of the work was completed and key issues and relevant working groups of experts were identified; then, after editorial review, the White Book was published by INAIL at the end of 2010.

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Tags: Sicurezza lavoro

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