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Methodology for the assessment of work-related stress risk

ID 6834 | | Visite: 3502 | Guide Sicurezza lavoro INAILPermalink:

The methodology for the assessment and management of work related stress risk

The methodology for the assessment and management of work-related stress risk

INAIL 2018

In Italy, the regulatory framework for the protection of occupational health and safety (Legislative Decree 81/2008) highlights the employers’ obligation to assess the work-related stress risk.

For this purpose the Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (Inail) put in place an extensive network ok international and national collaborations to develop a methodology for the assessment and management of work-related stress risk based on scientific approaches. This new edition of the methodology handbook integrates some innovations deriving from the results of Inail research activities on this topic, aimed at optimizing the assessment tools and the risk managementi process.


Context Regulatory Framework
Regulatory Developments
Indications for Work-Related Stress Risk Assessment
Preliminary Assessment
In-Depth Assessment
The Methodological Pathway for Work-Related Stress Risk
The Methodological Pathway: Phases, Activities and Tools
Preliminary Phase
Preliminary Assessment Phase
In-Depth Assessment Phase
Indicator Tool Questionnaire
Focus Group
Corrective Interventions Phase and Monitoring Plan
The INAIL Web Platform
Features of the Web Platform
Final Conclusions
Appendix 1 - Timelime
Appendix 2 - Checklist
Appendix 3A - Indicator Tool Questionnaire
Appendix 3B - Indicator Tool Questionnaire - Version for linguistic
minorities in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano
Annex 1 - Inter-confederation implementing agreement for the
European Framework Agreement on Work-related Stress concluded on 8 October 2004
Annex 2 - Data security in the assessment process


Fonte: INAIL 2018



Scarica questo file (The methodology for the assessment and management of work-related stress risk.pdf)The methodology for the assessment and management of work-related stress risk
INAIL 2018
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