Guida sulla corretta applicazione dell’Accordo dell’Aja (WIPO)
ID 21142 | | Visite: 1108 | News | Permalink: |
Guida sulla corretta applicazione dell’Accordo dell’Aja - Ginevra 1999 (WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization)
ID 21142 | 12.01.2024 / Attached
Guide to the Hague System International Registration of Designs Under the Hague Agreement
This is a Guide to the international registration of industrial designs. The Hague System for international registration of industrial designs is based on the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs, which is constituted by two different Acts, namely:
- the Geneva Act (1999), hereinafter referred to as the 1999 Act, which was adopted on July 2, 1999, and entered into force on December 23, 2003, and
- the Hague Act (1960), hereinafter referred to as the 1960 Act, which was adopted on November 28, 1960, and entered into force on August 1, 1984.
The London Act (1934) of the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs, which was adopted on June 2, 1934, and entered into force in June 1939, was terminated on October 18, 2016, in accordance with the decision taken by the 15 Contracting Parties to that Act, namely, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, France, Germany, Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Morocco, the Netherlands, Senegal, Spain, Suriname,
Switzerland and Tunisia, at their Extraordinary Meeting on September 24, 2009 (refer to “Termination of the 1934 Act”).
This Guide therefore focuses on the 1960 and 1999 Acts.
The application of the 1960 and 1999 Acts is supplemented by the Common Regulations and the Administrative Instructions.
The system for international registration of industrial designs is referred to as the “Hague System”.
This Guide is structured as follows:
- The “Introduction” includes explanations as to how a State or an intergovernmental organization may become a Contracting Party to the Hague Agreement and provides an outline of the various declarations and notifications that may be made under the Hague System.
- “General” covers communications with the International Bureau, calculation of time limits, languages, payment of fees to the International Bureau and representation before the International Bureau.
The “International procedure (1999 and 1960 Acts)” deals with the international registration procedure and other procedures required for the recording of events which may affect an international registration (such as changes in ownership, refusals of protection, etc.).
Wherever possible, the provisions of the 1999 and 1960 Acts, the Common Regulations and the Administrative Instructions that are relevant to a particular paragraph of the Guide are cited underneath that paragraph. Such provisions are cited in the following manner:
- “99 Article xx” refers to an Article of the 1999 Act;
- “60 Article xx” refers to an Article of the 1960 Act;
- “Rule xx” refers to a Rule of the Common Regulations; and
- “A.I. Section xx” refers to a Section of the Administrative Instructions.
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