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COVID-19 situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 10 May 2020

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COVID-19 situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 10 May 2020

ECDC - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - The data presented on this page has been collected between 6:00 and 10:00 CET

Download today’s data on the geographic distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide as of 10 May 2020

Disclaimer: National updates are published at different times and in different time zones. This, and the time ECDC needs to process these data, may lead to discrepancies between the national numbers and the numbers published by ECDC. Users are advised to use all data with caution and awareness of their limitations. Data are subject to retrospective corrections; corrected datasets are released as soon as processing of updated national data has been completed.

As of 10 May 2020, 1 239 428 cases have been reported in the EU/EEA and the UK: Spain (223 578), Italy (218 268), United Kingdom (215 260), Germany (169 218), France (138 854), Belgium (52 596), Netherlands (42 382), Portugal (27 406), Sweden (25 921), Ireland (22 760), Austria (15 777), Poland (15 651), Romania (15 131), Denmark (10 319), Czechia (8 095), Norway (8 069), Finland (5 880), Luxembourg (3 877), Hungary (3 263), Greece (2 710), Croatia (2 176), Bulgaria (1 955), Iceland (1 801), Estonia (1 733), Slovakia (1 455), Slovenia (1 454), Lithuania (1 444), Latvia (930), Cyprus (892), Malta (490) and Liechtenstein (83).

As of 10 May 2020, 146 700 deaths have been reported in the EU/EEA and the UK: United Kingdom (31 587), Italy (30 395), Spain (26 478), France (26 310), Belgium (8 581), Germany (7 395), Netherlands (5 422), Sweden (3 220), Ireland (1 446), Portugal (1 126), Romania (926), Poland (785), Austria (615), Denmark (526), Hungary (413), Czechia (276), Finland (265), Norway (213), Greece (151), Luxembourg (101), Slovenia (101), Bulgaria (90), Croatia (87), Estonia (60), Lithuania (50), Slovakia (26), Cyprus (21), Latvia (18), Iceland (10), Malta (5) and Liechtenstein (1).

EU/EEA and the UKSum of CasesSum of DeathsReported cases per 100 000 populationReported deaths per 100 000 population
Spain 223578 26478 478.5 56.7
Italy 218268 30395 361.2 50.3
United_Kingdom 215260 31587 323.8 47.5
Germany 169218 7395 204.1 8.9
France 138854 26310 207.3 39.3
Belgium 52596 8581 460.5 75.1
Netherlands 42382 5422 246.0 31.5
Portugal 27406 1126 266.5 11.0
Sweden 25921 3220 254.5 31.6
Ireland 22760 1446 468.9 29.8
Austria 15777 615 178.3 7.0
Poland 15651 785 41.2 2.1
Romania 15131 926 77.7 4.8
Denmark 10319 526 178.0 9.1
Czechia 8095 276 76.2 2.6
Norway 8069 213 151.8 4.0
Finland 5880 265 106.6 4.8
Luxembourg 3877 101 637.9 16.6
Hungary 3263 413 33.4 4.2
Greece 2710 151 25.3 1.4
Croatia 2176 87 53.2 2.1
Bulgaria 1955 90 27.8 1.3
Iceland 1801 10 509.4 2.8
Estonia 1733 60 131.2 4.5
Slovakia 1455 26 26.7 0.5
Slovenia 1454 101 70.3 4.9
Lithuania 1444 50 51.8 1.8
Latvia 930 18 48.3 0.9
Cyprus 892 21 75.0 1.8
Malta 490 5 101.3 1.0
Liechtenstein 83 1 218.9 2.6
Total 1239428 146700    

Download today’s data on the geographic distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide as of 10 May 2020

Distribution of laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 10 May 2020

novel coronavirus cases EU UK 2020 05 10

Distribution of laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the EU/EEA and the UK

Geographic distribution of COVID-19 in the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 10 May 2020

novel coronavirus COVID 19 geographical distribution EU UK 2020 05 10

Geographic distribution of COVID-19 in the EU/EEA and the UK

Download today’s data on the geographic distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide as of 10 May 2020


Scarica questo file (COVID-19-geographic-disbtribution-worldwide-2020-05-10.xlsx)COVID-19-geographic-disbtribution-worldwide-2020-05-10
ECDC 2020
EN739 kB779

Tags: News Coronavirus

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