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UNI EN 14025:2018 | Cisterne per il trasporto di merci pericolose

ID 6752 | | Visite: 7703 | Documenti Riservati Trasporto ADRPermalink:

UNI EN 14025 2018

UNI EN 14025:2018 | Cisterne per il trasporto di merci pericolose

Cisterne per il trasporto di merci pericolose - Cisterne metalliche a pressione - Progettazione e costruzione

La norma, aggiornata nel suo contenuto tecnico in modo sostanziale, specifica i requisiti minimi per la progettazione e la costruzione delle cisterne metalliche a pressione per il trasporto di merci pericolose su strada, ferrovia e mare, aventi una pressione massimo esercizio o di prova maggiore di 50 kPa (0,5 bar).

La norma comprende i requisiti per dispositivi di aperture, chiusure e di struttura, ma non comprende i requisiti delle attrezzature di servizio. Per le cisterne per il trasporto di liquidi criogenici, si applicano le UNI EN 13530-1 e UNI EN 13530-2.

La norma riporta le varie disposizioni in modo differente: a sinistra per i serbatoi stradali e ferroviari secondo il RID/ADR capitolo 6.8, a destra per le cisterne mobili in base al RID/ADR capitolo 6.7.

Data entrata in vigore: 06 settembre 2018

Recepisce: EN 14025:2018

Sostituisce: UNI EN 14025:2016


In allegato Preview EN 14025:2018 riservato Abbonati

This document specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of metallic pressure tanks having a maximum working pressure exceeding 50 kPa (0,5 bar), for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail and sea. This document includes requirements for openings, closures and structural equipment; it does not cover requirements of service equipment.

For tanks for the transport of cryogenic liquids, EN 13530 1 and EN 13530 2 apply. Design and construction of pressure tanks according to the Scope of this document are primarily subject to the requirements of RID/ADR, Subsections, and 6.8.5, as relevant. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, columns 12 and 13, to Chapters 3.2, 4.3 and Subsection apply.

For the structural equipment RID/ADR, Subsections and apply, as relevant. The definitions of RID/ADR, Subsection 1.2.1, are referred to. For portable tanks see also RID/ADR, Chapter 4.2 and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.2. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, Columns 10 and 11 to Chapters 3.2, 4.2, and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.3 apply. The paragraph numbers above relate to the 2017 issue of RID/ADR which are subject to regular revisions. This can lead to temporary non-compliances with EN 14025. This document is applicable to liquefied gases including LPG; however for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 12493. If not otherwise specified, provisions which take up the whole width of the page apply to all kind of tanks. Provisions contained in a single column apply only to: tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.8 (left-hand column); portable tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.7 (right-hand column).


Fonte: UNI

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Tags: Merci Pericolose Normazione Norme UNI Veicoli ADR Abbonati Trasporto ADR

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