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Emergency Management Planning Guide 2010 - 2011

ID 1790 | | Visite: 4930 | Documenti Ambiente EntiPermalink:

Emergency Management Planning Guide 2010 - 2011

The Emergency Management Planning Guide uses a step-by-step approach and provides instructions that are supplemented by the Blueprint and the Strategic Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) template provided in Annexes A and B, respectively.

The Guide is structured as follows:

Section One: Setting the Context – Explains the purpose of the Guide.

Section Two: Emergency Management Concepts and Premises – Contains a general overview of the concepts behind the step-by-step process. Section Three: Developing the Strategic Emergency Management Plan – Provides the step-by-step process to develop a SEMP.

Section Four: Implementing and Maintaining the Strategic Emergency Management Plan – Provides key information on the steps required to implement and maintain the SEMP.

Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2010
Cat. No.: PS4-87/2010E-PDF
ISBN: 978-1-100-16053-5
Printed in Canada

Scarica questo file (Emergency Management Planning Guide 2010-2011 CANADA.pdf)Emergency Management Planning Guide
2010-2011 CANADA
EN2205 kB945

Tags: Ambiente Emergenze

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