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Supporting Environmentally Sound Decisions for Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management

ID 2142 | | Visite: 5874 | Documenti Ambiente UEPermalink:

Supporting Environmentally Sound Decisions for Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management

A practical guide to Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

This guidance document provides waste policy makers, waste managers and businesses with the necessary background to implement Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) and Assessment (LCA) when considering C&D waste management options.

This guidance does not seek to be comprehensive.

It outlines the key principles that are useful to understand, and signposts readers to further sources of information.

There are already well-established methods and sources of data to guide you in undertaking an LCA.

This guide will help you to identify these and to ensure the consistency, credibility and comparability of your results with those of others.

In some cases, such as for use in daily decision making or by small and medium sized enterprises, detailed life cycle assessments may not be practical.

Tools and criteria based on detailed assessments can therefore help implement life cycle thinking in such situations. This guidance will help you to evaluate such tools or criteria as well as to develop them.

European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Contact information
Address: via E. Fermi, 2749 – 21027 Ispra (VA) Italy
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Fax: +39-0332-786645 

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