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Europe, Rome

User Manual EU ecolabel for detergents and cleaning products

ID 7365 | | Visite: 5470 | Documenti Riservati AmbientePermalink:

User Manual 2018

EU ecolabel for detergents and cleaning products

User Manual 2018

This manual guides the applicants and the competent bodies through the process of applying for an EU Ecolabel and verifying compliance with the requirements set within the criteria published in:

Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1218 of 23 June 2017 on establishing EU Ecolabel criteria for laundry detergents ;

Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1219 of 23 June 2017 on establishing EU Ecolabel criteria for industrial and institutional laundry detergents ;

Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1216 of 23 June 2017 on establishing EU Ecolabel criteria for dishwasher detergents ;

Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1215 of 23 June 2017 on establishing EU Ecolabel criteria for industrial and institutional dishwasher detergents ;

Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1217 of 23 June 2017 on establishing EU Ecolabel criteria for hard surface cleaning products ;

Commission Decision (EU) 2017/1214 of 23 June 2017 on establishing EU Ecolabel criteria for hand dishwashing detergents.


1 Introduction
1.1 Overview on the criteria for “Detergents and cleaning products”
2 The role of the third-party testing
3 Supporting the Product Assessment and Verification
3.1 General requirements
3.1.1 Ingoing substances
3.1.2 Measurement thresholds
3.1.3 HSC specificities
3.2 Reference dosage
3.3 Criteria
3.3.1 Criterion: Dosage requirements Guidance on the documents to provide to prove that the reference
dosage of the product fulfils this requirement
3.3.2 Criterion: Toxicity to aquatic organisms Guidance to calculate the CDVchronic of a product Guidance to proceed when an ingoing substance is not listed in Part A of the DID list
3.3.3 Criterion: Biodegradability Guidance to show compliance with the criterion Guidance to calculate the aNBO and anNBO of a product Guidance on how to proceed when an ingoing substance is not listed in
Part A of the DID list Guidance to conduct a test for adsorption/desorption
3.3.4 Criterion: Sustainable sourcing of palm oil, palm kernel oil and their derivatives Guidance to ensure that palm oil and palm kernel oil originate from sustainably managed plantations Guidance to ensure that oils are covered by chain of custody certificates(CoC) Examples of palm oil and palm kernel oil derivatives Guidance to demonstrate sustainability of derivatives Equivalency of certification schemes. Examples on how to demonstrate compliance with this criterion
3.3.5 Criterion: Excluded and restricted substances
Sub-criterion (a): Specified excluded and restricted substances Guidance to show compliance with the sub-criterion “Specified excluded and restricted substances” Guidance to calculate the total P-content of the product Guidance to calculate the VOC content of an HSC product
Sub-criterion (b): Hazardous substances Guidance to prove the non-classification of a product and the ingoing substances according to the sub-criterion of “Hazardous substances” Guidance to submit a new derogation
Sub-criterion (c): Substances of very high concern (SVHCs)
Sub-criterion (d): Fragrances
Sub-criterion (e): Preservatives Guidance to prove that the product contains the correct amount of preservatives
Sub-criterion (f): Colouring agents
Sub-criterion (g): Enzymes
Sub-criterion (h): Micro-organisms (only for HSC for professional use)
Sub-criterion (i): Corrosive properties (only for HDD)
3.3.6 Criterion: Packaging
Sub-criterion (a): Products sold in spray bottles (criterion only applicable to HSC) Guidance to demonstrate that the spray bottles that are part of the packaging can be refilled
Sub-criterion (b): Packaging take-back systems (criterion only applicable to HSC, IILD and IIDD) Guidance to demonstrate that a take-back system has been put in place for the packaging
Sub-criterion (c): Weight/utility ratio (WUR) Guidance to calculate the WUR of a product Guidance to prove the amount (%) of recycled material of the packaging
Sub-criterion (d): Design for recycling Guidance to report the materials composition
3.3.7 Criterion: Fitness for use Guidance for obtaining more information about the protocols/frameworks described in the criterion text Guidance for demonstrating that the product achieves the minimum
wash/cleaning performance required Explanatory notes related to the protocols
3.3.8 Criterion: Automatic dosing system Guidance to prove that a product is used with an automatic and regularly serviced dosing system
3.3.9 Criterion: User information Summary of the information to be included for each of the product groups Examples of information that may be provided on dosage Examples of information that may be provided on packaging disposal Examples of information that may be provided on environmental aspects Examples of the information on other aspects
3.3.10 Criterion: Information appearing on the EU Ecolabel Guidance for use of the EU Ecolabel logo
4 Annexes
4.1 Annex I. Application form – separate document
4.2 Annex II. Declarations – separate document
4.3 Annex III. Check-list – separate document
4.4 Annex IV Derogation form – separate document


Fonte: European Commission


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