Tunnel categories for Dangerous Goods in the Øresundstunnel (updated 15 November 2017):
From 06:00 am to 07:00 pm: Category D From 07:00 pm to 06:00 am: Category B
Notification according to 1.9.5 (Tunnel restrictions)
NOTE: Provisions concerning restrictions for the passage of vehicles through road tunnels are also included in Chapter 8.6.
The categorization shall be based on the assumption that in tunnels there are three major dangers which may cause numerous victims or serious damage to the tunnel structure:
(a) Explosions;
(b) Release of toxic gas or volatile toxic liquid;
(c) Fires.
The five tunnel categories are the following:
Tunnel category A:
No restrictions for the carriage of dangerous goods;
Tunnel category B:
Restriction for the carriage of dangerous goods which may lead to a very large explosion;
The following dangerous goods are considered to fulfil this criterion (2):
Class 1: Compatibility groups A and L;
Class 3: Classification code D (UN Nos. 1204, 2059, 3064, 3343, 3357 and 3379);
Class 4.1: Classification codes D and DT; and Self-reactive substances, type B (UN Nos. 3221, 3222, 3231 and 3232);
Class 5.2: Organic peroxides, type B (UN Nos. 3101, 3102, 3111 and 3112).
When the total net explosive mass per transport unit is greater than 1000 kg:
Class 1: Divisions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5 (except compatibility groups A and L).
When carried in tanks:
Class 2: Classification codes F, TF and TFC;
Class 4.2: Packing group I;
Class 4.3: Packing group I;
Class 5.1: Packing group I.
Class 6.1: UN No. 1510
Tunnel category C: Restriction for the carriage of dangerous goods which may lead to a very large explosion, a large explosion or a large toxic release;
The following dangerous goods are considered to fulfil this criterion (2):
- the dangerous goods restricted in tunnel category B, and
- the following dangerous goods:
Class 1: Divisions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5 (except compatibility groups A and L); and
Division 1.3 (compatibility groups H and J);
Class 7: UN Nos. 2977 and 2978.
When the net explosive mass per transport unit is greater than 5000 kg:
Class 1: Division 1.3 (compatibility groups C and G).
When carried in tanks:
Class 2: Classification codes 2A, 2O, 3A and 3O, and classification codes containing the letter T only or letter groups TC, TO and TOC
Class 3: Packing group I for classification codes FC, FT1, FT2 and FTC;
Class 6.1: Packing group I, except UN No. 1510
Class 8: Packing group I for classification codes CT1, CFT and COT.
Tunnel category D:
Restriction for the carriage of dangerous goods which may lead to a very large explosion, to a large explosion, to a large toxic release or to a large fire;
The following dangerous goods are considered to fulfil this criterion (2):
- the dangerous goods restricted in tunnel category C, and
- the following dangerous goods:
Class 1: Division 1.3 (compatibility groups C and G);
Class 2: Classification codes F, FC, T, TF, TC, TO, TFC and TOC;
Class 4.1: Self-reactive substances, types C, D, E and F; and UN Nos. 2956, 3241, 3242, 3251, 3531, 3532, 3533 and 3534;
Class 5.2: Organic peroxides, types C, D, E and F;
Class 6.1: Packing group I for classification codes TF1, TFC and TFW and UN No.3507; and Toxic by inhalation entries for which special provision 354 is assigned in column (6) of Table A of Chapter 3.2 and toxic by inhalation entries of UN Nos. 3381 to 3390;
Class 8: Packing group I for classification codes CT1, CFT and COT;
Class 9: Classification codes M9 and M10.
When carried in bulk or in tanks:
Class 3
Class 4.2: Packing group II;
Class 4.3: Packing group II;
Class 6.1: Packing group II; and Packing group III for classification code TF2;
Class 8: Packing group I for classification codes CF1, CFT and CW1; and Packing group II for classification codes CF1 and CFT
Class 9: Classification codes M2 and M3.
Tunnel category E:
Restriction for the carriage of all dangerous goods other than those for which ‘(-)’ is marked in Column (15) of Table A of Chapter 3.2 and for all dangerous goods in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3.4 if the quantities carried exceed 8 tonnes total gross mass per transport unit.
NOTE: For the dangerous goods assigned to UN Nos. 2919 and 3331, restrictions to the passage through tunnels may, however, be part of the special arrangement approved by the competent
authority(ies) on the basis of
(2) The evaluation takes into account intrinsic inherent property of the goods, the means of retention and the quantities transported.
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