Technical Agreements for Biocides
ID 4498 | | Visite: 3766 | Documenti Chemicals ECHA | Permalink: |
Technical Agreements for Biocides
ECHA August 2017
Versione 1.3
The Technical Agreements for Biocides (TAB) is an information document that intends to provide the agreements of the Working Groups of the Biocidal Products Committee (WGs) in a concise format.
The TAB is intended to cover the technical and scientific WG agreements that have general relevance and to create a general database of questions where an agreement has already been reached.
The main sources for the TAB are the adopted minutes of the WGs and Technical Meetings (TMs), as well as the Manual of Technical Agreements of the Biocides Technical Meeting (MOTA). In all cases, a reference is given to the WG meeting or TM where the agreement was reached.
Fonte: Commissione Europea
Tags: Chemicals Regolamento BPR