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Europe, Rome

ISO 13649:2024

ID 22619 | | Visite: 80 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO 13649:2024 / Fire prevention guidance earth-moving machinery

ID 22619 | 25.09.2024 / Preview attached

ISO 13649:2024 Earth-moving machinery - Fire prevention guidance

This document provides guidance on protective measures for consideration in fire risk reduction through machine design and operation and maintenance instructions for earth-moving machinery, as defined in ISO 6165, during their intended use.

The information in this document presumes that fire hazards for the normal applications anticipated for the machine family by the machine manufacturer have been analysed.
This analysis can be done as part of the ISO 12100 machine risk assessment or as a separate fire hazard risk assessment conducted in accordance with ISO 12100 or ISO 19353:2019, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4.

This document also provides the basic concept of fire hazards and examples of typical fuel sources and ignition sources found in earth-moving machinery and earth-moving machinery applications.

This document does not cover all specific aspects of fire prevention for battery electric powertrains (e.g. fire prevention for batteries, battery management systems) due to the evolving development of such technology.

However, the guidance in this document can still be beneficial. Additional guidance can also be found in the ISO 14990 series and ISO/DIS 23285.1

This document does not cover the additional risks for machines operating in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Fonte ISO


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