Norme della Serie EN 12101-X Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore
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Norme della Serie EN 12101-X | Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore
ID 19647 | 18.05.2023 / Documento completo allegato
Tutte le norme della serie EN 12101-X " Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore ".
Nel dettaglio:
This part of EN 12101 specifies the product performance requirements, classifications and test methods for smoke barriers, which comprise the barrier itself, with or without associated activation and drive devices, designed for use in smoke and heat control systems. UNI EN 12101-1:2006 La presente norma è la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese della norma europea EN 12101-1 (edizione agosto 2005) e dell'aggiornamento A1 (edizione marzo 2006). La norma specifica i requisiti prestazionali del prodotto, la classificazione e i metodi di prova per barriere al fumo installate all'interno di edifici. EN 12101-1:2005/A1:2006 This part of EN 12101 specifies the product performance requirements, classifications and test methods for smoke barriers, which comprise the barrier itself, with or without associated activation and drive devices, designed for use in smoke and heat control systems. It covers only barriers installed in buildings, i.e. it does not cover barriers made of part of the buildings structure. This standard provides the test methods for, and evaluation of conformity of, the smoke barrier systems. EN 12101-2:2017 This European Standard applies to natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators (NSHEV) operating as part of smoke and heat exhaust systems (SHEVS), placed on the market. This standard specifies requirements and gives test methods for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators which are intended to be installed in smoke and heat control systems in buildings. UNI EN 12101-2:2017 La norma si applica agli evacuatori naturali di fumo e calore (SENFC) come componenti in sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore. La norma specifica i requisiti e indica metodi di prova per evacuatori naturali di fumo e calore destinati all'installazione negli edifici come componenti in sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore. EN 12101-3:2015 This European Standard specifies the products characteristics of powered smoke and heat control ventilators (fans) intended to be used as part of a powered smoke and heat control ventilation system in construction works. It provides test and assessment methods of the characteristics and the compliance criteria of the test assessment results. This European Standard applies to the following: a) fans for smoke and heat control ventilation; UNI EN 12101-3:2015 La norma specifica le caratteristiche di prodotto degli evacuatori forzati di fumo e calore (fan) destinati all'installazione in sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore nelle costruzioni. La norma fornisce i metodi di prova e la valutazione delle caratteristiche e i criteri di conformità dei risultati di prova. CEN/TR 12101-4:2009 This Technical Report applies to SHEVS when installed in a building. This Technical Report specifies the ability of the system to meet the required performances of the SHEVS as specified by the design of the system. This Technical Report is to help to translate the detailed engineering plan into an installed system, but it does not state how the design is made. This Technical Report also covers requirements for components and compatibility between components to ensure that the requirements on the installed system will be met. This Technical report includes requirements for the assembly, installation, commissioning, function testing, maintenance, periodic servicing and routine testing of SHEVS. CEN/TR 12101-5:2005 This Technical Report gives recommendations and guidance on functional and calculation methods for smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems for steady-state design fires. EN 12101-6:2022 This document applies to pressure differential system kits and components, positioned on the market and intended to operate as part of a pressure differential system. The purpose of a pressure differential system is to prevent protected spaces from smoke spread by using pressure difference and airflow. This document specifies characteristics and test methods for components and kits for pressure differential systems to produce and control the required pressure differential and airflow between protected and unprotected space. UNI EN 12101-6:2022 La norma specifica sistemi di controllo a differenza di pressione progettati per trattenere il fumo in corrispondenza di una barriera fisica in un edificio, come una porta o altra apertura simile. EN 12101-7:2011 This European Standard applies to smoke control duct sections, placed on the market and intended to operate as part of a pressure differential system or smoke and heat exhaust system. This standard specifies requirements and gives reference to the test methods defined for smoke control duct sections and their associated components (for example, hangers and other items proven at the time of testing), which are intended to be installed in such systems in buildings. It also provides for the evaluation of conformity of the products to the requirements of this standard. Furthermore, marking and information on installation and maintenance of these products are also given in this European Standard. To avoid duplication, reference is made to a variety of other standards. To this end, this standard is to be read in conjunction with EN 1366-8, EN 1366-9 and EN 1366-1, for details of the fire resistance testing and EN 13501-4 for corresponding classification. This standard has not considered in detail the detrimental and/or corrosive effects that may be caused by process chemicals present in the atmosphere, which are drawn through the system intentionally or inadvertently. This European Standard also governs associated components used together with smoke control duct sections such as turning vanes and silencers, with the exception of natural and powered smoke ventilators and smoke control dampers, which are covered by separate standards. Ducts for use other than in smoke and heat exhaust/control systems are not covered by this standard. UNI EN 12101-7:2011 La presente norma è la versione ufficiale della norma europea EN 12101-7 (edizione maggio 2011). La norma si applica alle condotte per il controllo dei fumi immesse sul mercato e destinate a operare come parte di un sistema di controllo fumi a pressione differenziale o in un sistema di evacuazione fumo e calore.La norma specifica i requisiti e i metodi di prova per le condotte per il controllo dei fumi e i loro componenti associati (per esempio il sistema di fissaggio o altri componenti provati contestualmente) che sono destinate ad essere installate come parte di tali sistemi negli edifici. La norma fornisce le indicazioni per la valutazione della conformità come anche le informazioni relative a marcatura, installazione e manutenzione.La norma è da utilizzare unitamente alle UNI EN 1366-8, UNI EN 1366-9 e UNI EN 1366-1 per le prove di resistenza al fuoco, e alla UNI EN 13501-4 per la classificazione. Le condotte impiegate per usi diversi dall'estrazione o controllo di fumo e calore non rientrano nello scopo e campo di applicazione del documento. EN 12101-8:2011 This European Standard applies to smoke control dampers, placed on the market and intended to operate as part of a pressure differential system or smoke and heat control system. This standard specifies requirements and gives reference to the test methods defined for smoke control dampers and their associated components, such as actuators which are intended to be installed in such systems in buildings. It also provides for the evaluation of conformity of these products to the requirements of this standard. Furthermore, provision on marking and information on installation and maintenance of these products are also given. This European Standard distinguish between two categories of smoke control dampers, i.e. single compartment smoke control dampers and multi-compartment fire resisting smoke control dampers. Smoke control dampers covered by this European Standard can be installed into smoke control system ducts or onto the ducts surface. They can be installed also into a wall, floor or ceiling/roof elements or onto the surface of these elements. To avoid duplication, reference is made to a variety of other standards. To this end, this standard is to be read in conjunction with EN 13501-4, EN 1366-10 and EN 1366-2, for details of the furnace testing. This standard does not consider in detail the detrimental and/or corrosive effects that may be caused by process chemicals present in the atmosphere, which are drawn through the system intentionally or inadvertently. UNI EN 12101-8:2011 La presente norma è la versione ufficiale della norma europea EN 12101-8 (edizione maggio 2011). La norma si applica alle serrande per il controllo dei fumi immesse sul mercato e destinate a operare in un sistema di controllo fumi a pressione differenziale o in un sistema di evacuazione fumo e calore. La norma specifica i requisiti e metodi di prova per le serrande di controllo dei fumi e i loro componenti associati (per esempio gli attuatori) che sono destinate ad essere installate come parte di tali sistemi negli edifici. La norma fornisce anche le indicazioni per la valutazione della conformità come anche informazioni relative a marcatura, installazione e manutenzione. Le serrande per il controllo del fumo trattate nella norma possono essere installate all'interno o sulla superficie delle condotte parte di un sistema di controllo del fumo; possono essere installate anche all'interno o sulla superficie di elementi quali pareti, pavimenti o soffitti. La norma è da utilizzare unitamente alle UNI EN 13501- 4, UNI EN 1366-10 e UNI EN 1366-2 per le prove di resistenza al fuoco. EN 12101-10:2005 This European Standard specifies requirements and gives test methods for primary and secondary electrical and pneumatic power supply equipment, designed for use in smoke and heat control systems in buildings. It also provides for the evaluation of conformity of such equipment to the requirements of this European Standard. NOTE A summary of functions is given in Annex A. EN 12101-10:2005/AC:2007 UNI EN 12101-10:2006 La presente norma è la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese della norma europea EN 12101-10 (edizione ottobre 2005 + errata corrige AC:2007) La norma specifica i requisiti e fornisce i metodi di prova per un'apparecchiatura di alimentazione pneumatica ed elettrica, primaria e secondaria progettata per l'utilizzo nei sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore negli edifici. Fornisce inoltre indicazioni per la valutazione di conformità. CEN/TS 12101-11:2022 This document gives minimum design, installation and commissioning requirements for powered smoke and heat control systems for enclosed car parks using horizontal flow powered ventilation, with or without sprinkler protection, on one or more levels, for cars and light commercial vehicles (max 3,5 t), to reach the design objectives outlined in this document. This document is applicable for car parks with vehicles powered by petrol, diesel, electricity, CNG or LPG. NOTE 1 For the purpose of this document for smoke ventilation systems, it is assumed that cars powered by electricity, CNG (compressed natural gas) or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) will have similar HRR to vehicles powered by petrol or diesel. NOTE 2 Cars powered by hydrogen are not covered by this document. This document only covers traditional car parks that are with cars parked alongside each other, with common car access lanes. It does not cover other forms of car parking systems, such as stacking systems. This document does not cover requirements for day‐to‐day ventilation. Any other risks than fire from cars are not covered by this document. UNI CEN/TS 12101-11:2022 La norma fornisce i requisiti minimi per la progettazione, l'installazione e la messa in funzione di sistemi di controllo del fumo e del calore per parcheggi chiusi che utilizzano una ventilazione alimentata a flusso orizzontale, con o senza protezione sprinkler. EN 12101-13:2022 This document gives calculation methods, guidance and requirements for the design, installation, acceptance testing, routine testing and maintenance for pressure differential systems (PDS). PDSs are designed to hold back smoke at a leaky physical barrier in a building, such as a door (either open or closed) or other similarly restricted openings and to keep tenable conditions in escape and access routes depending on the application. It covers systems intended to protect means of escape e.g. staircases, corridors, lobbies, as well as systems intended to provide a protected firefighting space (bridgehead) for the fire services. It provides details on the critical features and relevant procedures for the installation. It describes the commissioning procedures and acceptance testing criteria required to confirm that the calculated design is achieved in the building. This document gives rules, requirements and procedures to design PDS for buildings up to 60 m. For buildings taller than 60 m the same requirements are given (e.g. Table 1), but additional methods of calculation and verification are necessary. Requirements for such methods and verification are given in Annex D, but the methods fall outside the scope of this document [e.g. Additional mathematical analysis and/or Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)]. Routine testing and maintenance requirements are also defined in this document. In the absence of national requirements and under expected ambient and outside conditions, the requirements in Table 1 are fulfilled by the PDS. UNI EN 12101-13:2022 La norma fornisce metodi di calcolo, linee guida e requisiti per la progettazione, l'installazione, le prove di accettazione, le prove periodiche e la manutenzione dei sistemi differenziali di pressione (PDS).
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 1: Specification for smoke barriers
Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore - Parte 1: Specifiche per le barriere al fumo
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 1: Specification for smoke barriers
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 2: Natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators
Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore - Parte 2: Evacuatori naturali di fumo e calore
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 3: Specification for powered smoke and heat control ventilators (Fans)
b) impulse/jet fans for smoke and heat control ventilation.
Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore - Parte 3: Specifiche per gli evacuatori forzati di fumo e calore
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 4: Installed SHEVS systems for smoke and heat ventilation
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 5: Guidelines on functional recommendations and calculation methods for smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 6: Specification for pressure differential systems - Kits
Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore - Parte 6: Specifiche per i sistemi a differenza di pressione - Kit
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 7: Smoke duct sections
Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore - Parte 7: Condotte per il controllo dei fumi
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 8: Smoke control dampers
Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore - Parte 8: Serrande per il controllo dei fumi
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 10: Power supplies
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 10: Power supplies
Sistemi per il controllo del fumo e del calore - Parte 10: Apparecchiature di alimentazione
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 11: Horizontal flow powered ventilation systems for enclosed car parks
Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore - Parte 11: Sistemi di ventilazione alimentati a flusso orizzontale per parcheggi chiusi
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 13: Pressure differential systems (PDS) - Design and calculation methods, installation, acceptance testing, routine testing and maintenance
Sistemi per il controllo di fumo e calore - Parte 13: Sistemi differenziali di pressione (PDS) - Metodi di progettazione e di calcolo, installazione, prove di accettazione, prove periodiche e manutenzione
Fonte: UNI
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