Evaluation of the Practical Implementation EU occupatinal safety and health Directives
ID 18951 | | Visite: 1197 | Documenti Sicurezza UE | Permalink: https://www.certifico.com/id/18951 |
Evaluation of the Practical Implementation EU occupatinal safety and health Directives
ID 18951 | 11.02.2023 / SWD(2017) 10 final
Commission Staff Working Document Ex-post evaluation of the EU occupational safety and health Directives (REFIT evaluation)
Occupational safety and health (OSH) forms an integral part of the European labour market. It is an important element of the European social protection structure. In the context of European integration and realisation of the internal market, a common framework was established through Directive 89/391/EEC (Framework Directive) aiming at securing a minimum level of protection from work-related health and safety risks for the workers of all Member States.
This framework built on the existing systems at the time and laid down important common principles of prevention, risk assessment, information, training etc. It established minimum protection levels while allowing Member States to go further if so desired. Building on these common principles, 23 further Directives have been adopted dealing with specific risks and situations. Together this set of rules constitutes the OSH framework.
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