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Electric vehicles in Europe 2016

ID 3087 | | Visite: 5249 | Documenti Ambiente UEPermalink:

Electric vehicles in Europe 2016

This report provides a non-technical summary of the latest information on electric road vehicles in Europe, including those with hybrid technologies. It focuses upon electric
passenger vehicles, explaining the different types that are now available on the market, how each type works, and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The report also outlines how many countries in Europe are presently using incentives to encourage the further uptake of electric passenger vehicles, and it identifies the main barriers restricting their broader use. The latest information on electric passenger car and van sales in Europe is provided.

While the report includes a brief description of other types of electric road vehicles, including bicycles, vans, heavy-duty vehicles and buses, other types of electric transport, such as electric rail locomotives and ships, are not addressed.

This report was prepared by the European Environment Agency (EEA).

EEA 2016

Scarica questo file (Electric vehicles Europe 2016 EEA.pdf)Electric vehicles Europe 2016 EEA
EEA 2016
EN2561 kB1118

Tags: Ambiente Energy

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