NIOSH: l'app ufficiale Istituto per la misura rumore luoghi di lavoro
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NIOSH Sound Level Meter App
NIOSH rilascia la Rev. 1.0.0 dell'app ufficiale dell'Istituto per la misura dei livelli di rumore nei luoghi di lavoro
Il 13 Gennaio 2017, il NIOSH, (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), ha rilasciato, gratuitamente, la versione 1.0.0 dell'app per la misura dei livelli di rumore nei luoghi di lavoro.
L'applicazione NIOSH Sound Level Meter App è uno strumento per misurare i livelli di rumore nei luoghi di lavoro e fornire parametri di esposizione al rumore per contribuire a ridurre la perdita di udito indotta dal rumore.
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NIOSH Sound Level Meter App
Evaluation of smartphone sound measurement applications
The NIOSH Sound Level Meter mobile application is a tool to measure sound levels in the workplace and provide noise exposure parameters to help reduce occupational noise-induced hearing loss.
Key Benefits
- Raises workers’ awareness about their work environment
- Helps workers make informed decisions about the potential hazards to their hearing
- Serves as a research tool to collect noise exposure data
- Promotes better hearing health and prevention efforts
- Easy to use
NIOSH estimates that 22 million workers are exposed to hazardous noise levels every year. In addition to damaging workers’ quality of life, occupational hearing loss carries a high economic burden. The NIOSH Sound Level Meter (SLM) app can be used by safety and health professionals and industrial hygienists to assess risks, similar to how they would use a professional sound level meter, and by workers to make informed decisions about the potential hazards to their hearing in the workplace. The app allows the user to acquire and display real-time noise exposure data and help promote better hearing health and better prevention efforts.
In order to interpret results, it is important to recognize that NIOSH establishes recommended exposure limits (REL) for various hazards on the basis of the best available science and practice. The REL for noise is 85 decibels, as an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) using the A-weighting frequency response and a 3-dB exchange rate. Exposures at or above this level are considered hazardous. The app provides a readout of the sound levels using the built-in microphone (or preferably using an external, calibrated, microphone) and reports the instantaneous sound level in A, C, or Z weighted decibels. The app also contains some basic information about noise and hearing loss prevention. In addition, the app allows the user to save and share measurement data with others using the device communication and media features. For additional information and detailed guidance on how to use the app, please visit the NIOSH app page at:
Category: Utilities
Released: Jan 13, 2017
Version: 1.0.0
Size: 16.3 MB
Language: English
Seller: EA LAB d.o.o.
© 2016 EA LAB
NIOSH smartphone studies:
Evaluation of smartphone sound measurement applications – Journal of Acoustical Society of America
So how accurate are these smartphone sound measurement apps? – NIOSH Science Blog
Evaluation of smartphone sound measurement applications (apps) using external microphones – A follow-up study – Journal of Acoustical Society of America
Improving the accuracy of smart devices to measure noise exposure – Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene