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Guidelines on the application of Directive 2006/95/EC Rev. 2012

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Guidelines on the application of Directive 2006/95/EC (Electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits)

Last Modified: January 2012

These Guidelines on the application of Directive 2006/95/EC (Electrical Equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits) - August 2007 - have been put together by the European Commission services and other stakeholders (industry, national authorities, standardisation and other bodies) to assist in the smooth and level application of the provisions of the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2006/95/EC. 

They are not law and do not take away the relevant responsibilities provided for, but explain in an understandable way various elements of the Directive.


SECTION I Introduction (Paragraphs 1-4)
SECTION II The “LOW VOLTAGE” Directive (Paragraphs 5-6)
SECTION III Scope of the “LOW VOLTAGE” Directive (Paragraphs 7-12)
SECTION IV Safety requirements for placing on the EU market electrical equipment covered by the “LOW VOLTAGE” Directive (Paragraphs 13-19)
SECTION V Confromity assessement procedures under the “LOW VOLTAGE” Directive (Paragraphs 20-27)
SECTION VI Relationship between the “LOW VOLTAGE” Directive and certain other Union Directives (Paragraphs 28-39)
ANNEX I Additional Information
ANNEX II Examples of products within or outside the scope of LVD
ANNEX III Criteria applied for the allocation of products covered by standards in the EN 60335 series under LVD or MD

European Commission

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Direttiva 2006/95/CE
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