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PED Guidelines Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC - V. 1.5 April 2014

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PED Guidelines related to the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC (PED)

In order to ensure a coherent application of the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC (PED), Guidelines are developed and agreed by the Commission's Working Group "Pressure" (WGP).

This working group, created as a result of Article 17 of the PED, which requests the Member States to cooperate in order to assist the functioning of this Directive, is composed of representatives of Member States, European federations, the Notified Bodies Forum and CEN and chaired by a representative of the Commission services.

Document history
Version Date Comment

1.0 1/12/2010 Includes PED Guidelines up to WGP meeting of 24/11/2010
1.1 19/7/2011 Quality check, correction of links, introduction
1.2 30/8/2011 Quality check
1.3 20/03/2012 Includes PED Guidelines up to WGP meeting of 06/03/2012
1.4 26/03/2013 Includes PED Guidelines up to WGP meeting of 07/03/2013
1.5. 4/04/2014 Includes PED Guidelines up to WGP meeting of 22/03/2014

Agg. 04.2014 V. 1.5
Commission's Working Group "Pressure" WGP

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Allegato riservato PED_Guidelines_1.5_April_2014_UE.pdf
V. 1.5 April 2014
680 kB 570

Tags: Marcatura CE Direttiva PED Abbonati Marcatura CE

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