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New ordinance Industrial Safety and Health Germany 01.06.2015

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New ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health enter into force in Germany on 01.06.2015

The revised version of the Betriebssicherheitsverordnung (Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health) enter into force in Germany on 01.06.2015. Among other things employers are obliged to take action against defeating of safeguards.

The objective of the new german ordinance is to insure safety and health of employees when using work equipment. This includes requirements relating to the choice of work equipment, the employees’ qualification and instruction and the design of both the workplace and manufacturing processes.

The revised version also takes into account maintenance procedures, special operation modes, disturbances and defeating of safeguards as key accident factors.

In this respect the employer shall ensure that both the safeguards and the personal protective equipment are used, necessary safeguards or safety devices are operational and shall not be defeated in a simple way.

Text of the ordinance only available in german language.

Scarica questo file (Verordnung neuregelung anforderun arbeitsschutz verwendung arbeitsmitteil gefahrstoffe.pdf)New ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health enter into force in Germany
DE967 kB1127

Tags: Sicurezza lavoro Valutazione dei Rischi

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