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ISO 11799:2015

ID 6829 | | Visite: 4736 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO 11799:2015 Preview

Information and documentation - Document storage requirements for archive and library materials

ISO 11799:2015 specifies the characteristics of repositories used for the long-term storage of archive and library materials. It covers the siting and construction and renovation of the building and the installation and equipment to be used both within and around the building.

It applies to all archive and library materials held in repositories, where mixed media may be stored together with paper-based materials. It does not preclude the establishment of separate areas or compartments within individual repositories, where the environment can be controlled to create conditions suitable for the needs of specific archive materials.

In a number of fields, national or local building regulations may encompass such matters as construction, safety and security for public buildings and buildings in which valuable objects are stored (fire precautions, emergency exits, security against earthquakes, theft, burglary, terrorist acts, etc.), as well as services and equipment in professional use. This International Standard therefore avoids detailed rules and regulations in these fields, except when recommending what may be additions to these requirements.


Fonte: ISO


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