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Europe, Rome

ADR: Amendments into force since 3 January 2018

ID 5417 | | Visite: 7981 | ADR 2017Permalink:

ADR Amendaments 1 2018

ADR: Amendments into force since 3 January 2018

Depositary notifications C.N.345.2017.TREATIES-XI.B.14 and C.N.626.2017.TREATIES-XI.B.14 

The amendments are contained in Annex III of document ECE/TRANS/WP.15/237

C.N.626.2017.TREATIES-XI.B.14 (Depositary Notification)

By 3 October 2017, none of the Contracting Parties to the above-mentioned Agreement had communicated an objection to the Secretary-General. Consequently, in accordance with the provisions of article 14 (3) of the Agreement, the proposed amendments to annexes A and B, as amended, shall enter into force for all Contracting Parties on 3 January 2018.


Annex III

Draft amendments to annexes A and B of ADR adopted by the Working Party for entry into force as soon as possible 

Note by the secretariat: The draft amendments below were adopted by the Working Party as corrections. However, following the adoption of the report, the Treaty Section of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs has been consulted and has expressed the view that most of the proposed corrections did not meet the criteria for corrections of errors or of a lack of concordance in the original of a multilateral treaty, as set out in the Summary of practice of the Secretary-General as depositary of multilateral treaties, and should be treated as amendments.
As a consequence, the Chairman of the Working Party has informed the secretariat that Portugal would submit a proposal of amendments in accordance with the procedure of Article 14 (3) of the ADR.

Chapter 3.2, Dangerous Goods List, for UN 2908, in Column (6) Insert 368 (Reference document: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/146, annex III)

Chapter 3.2, Dangerous Goods List, for UN 2913, in Column (6) Insert 325 (Reference document: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/146, annex III)

Chapter 3.2, Dangerous Goods List, for UN 2913, in Column (6) Delete 336 (Reference document: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/146, annex III)

Chapter 3.2, Dangerous Goods List, for UN 3326, in Column (6) Insert 326 (Reference document: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/146, annex III)

Chapter 3.2, Dangerous Goods List, for UN 3326, in Column (6) Delete 336 (Reference document: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/146, annex III)

Chapter 5.2,, in the last paragraph, after “black on white” Insert or suitable contrasting background (Reference document: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/146, annex III)

Chapter 6.1, d) The amendment does not apply to the English text. (Reference document: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/146, annex III

Chapter 6.4, For and read and  (Reference document: ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/146, annex III)

Chapter 6.8,  The amendment does not apply to the English text. (Reference document: informal document INF.13, as amended)

Chapter 9.2,, in the table, for, second column For Electrical connections read Electrical connections between motor vehicles and trailers (Reference document: Informal document INF.12, proposal 1)

Chapter 9.2,, in the table, for, comment c The amendment does not apply to the English text. (Reference document: Informal document INF.13)

Chapter 9.2,, table, for 9.2.5, second column For SPEED LIMITING DEVICES read SPEED LIMITATION DEVICE (Reference document: Informal document INF.12, proposal 2 as amended)

Chapter 9.2,, first indent For EN 15207:20141 read EN 15207:2014 (Reference document: Informal document INF.12)

Scarica questo file (ECE TRANS WP.15 237.pdf)ECE TRANS WP.15 237
Amendments into force since 3 January 2018
IT391 kB1209
Scarica questo file (C.N.626.2017.TREATIES-XI.B.14.pdf)C.N.626.2017.TREATIES-XI.B.14
Amendments into force since 3 January 2018
EN59 kB1148
Scarica questo file (C.N.345.2017.TREATIES-XI.B.14.pdf)C.N.345.2017.TREATIES-XI.B.14
Amendments into force since 3 January 2018
EN65 kB1448

Tags: Merci Pericolose ADR 2017

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