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Europe, Rome

ADR: Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road A Guide For Business

ID 2573 | | Visite: 6507 | Documenti Riservati Trasporto ADRPermalink:

ADR: Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road A Guide For Business

This guide for business is geared towards businesses that are involved in the consignment, loading/unloading and carriage of dangerous goods by road.

Dangerous goods are substances and articles which have been identified as hazardous for transport and present a risk to people, property and the environment. The guide has been arranged to provide a comprehensive summary of the legal provisions of the ADR (European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road).

1. Introduction and definitions
1.1 Definitions
2. Road transport legislation and other modes of transport
2.1 The law
2.2 Other modes of transport
3. General safety measures and the main duty holders
3.1 General safety measures
3.2 Consignor
3.3 Carrier
3.4 Driver and vehicle crew
3.5 Packer
3.6 Filler
3.7 Loader
3.8 Tank-container/portable tank operator
3.9 Unloader
3.10 Consignee (customer or recipient)
4. Dangerous goods safety advisers(DGSAs)
5. Exemptions
5.1 ADR exemptions (ADR 1.1.3)
5.2 Small load (packages) exemptions (ADR
5.3 National exemptions (national regulations)
5.4 Limited quantities (LQ) (ADR 3.4)
5.5 Excepted quantities (ADR 3.5)
6. Training and training records
6.1 General awareness training, function specific training, and safety and security training
6.2 Driver training and examination
6.3 DGSA training and examination
7. Dangerous goods classification
7.1 Principles of classification
8. Packaging, marking and hazard labelling
8.1 Packaging and marking
8.2 Hazard labelling

9. Vehicles, marking and labelling
10. Tanks, marking and labelling
11. Vehicle safety equipment/personal protective equipment
11.1 Mandatory equipment
11.2 Fire fighting equipment
12. General transport provisions
12.1 Loading, load restraint and unloading
12.2 Mixed packing restrictions
12.3 Mixed load restrictions
12.4 Tunnel restrictions – tanks/packages
12.5 Parking restrictions and supervision of vehicles
13. Documentation
13.1 Document List
13.2 Transport document
13.3 Large container or vehicle packing certificate
13.4 Instructions in writing
14. Transport equipment inspection and certification
15. Security provisions
15.1 Provisions for high consequence dangerous goods
16. Emergency action
16.1 Incidents reportable to the HSA (ADR 1.8.5)
17. Record keeping
18. Enforcement
18.1 Inspection
18.2 Offences and penalties
19. Practical examples of common issues

Example 1: Maintenance work – carriage of dangerous goods (e.g. chemicals, gases or fuel) for maintenance or other work activity
Example 2: Small load exemption when carrying substances within the same transport category
Example 3: Small load exemption when carrying substances within different transport categories
Example 4: Carriage of fuel/LPG in drums and cylinders 85 Example 5: Carriage of substances in limited quantities (LQ)
Example 6: Carriage of clinical waste (Class 6.2)
Example 7: Consignment of clinical and other wastes by doctor surgeries/small clinics, veterinary practices, dental practices and pharmacies
Example 8: Use of bowsers for the carriage of fuel
Example 9: Tunnel restrictions
Example 10: Carriage of waste asbestos

20. Further information and guidance
20.1 Links to legislation, useful information and guidance documents
21. Appendices

Appendix 1 Self-assessment for the carriage of dangerous goods by road
Appendix 2 Small load exemption (ADR Table max. quantity per transport unit)
Appendix 3 Instructions in writing according to ADR 99 Appendix 4 List of high consequence dangerous goods (ADR Table 1.10.5)
Appendix 5 ADR vehicle inspection checklist – Council Directive 95/50/EC
Appendix 6 Guidelines for the carriage of fuel in bowsers


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