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Europe, Rome

ISO 45004:2024

ID 21537 | | Visite: 1477 | Documenti ISOPermalink:

ISO 45004 2024   OH S    Guidelines on performance evaluation

ISO 45004:2024 / OH&S  - Guidelines on performance evaluation

ID 25357 | 19.03.2024 / Preview attached

ISO 45004:2024
Occupational health and safety management - Guidelines on performance evaluation

This document gives guidance regarding how organizations can establish monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation processes, including the development of relevant indicators for the assessment of occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance. It enables organizations to determine if intended results are being achieved, including continual improvement of OH&S performance.

This document is applicable to all organizations regardless of type, industry sector, level of risk, size or location. It can be used independently or as part of OH&S management systems, including those based on ISO 45001:2018, or other standards or guidelines.

This document is intended to help organizations to effectively monitor, measure, analyse and evaluate occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance.

OH&S performance evaluation includes the processes that the organization uses to assess the adequacy of activities that are expected to achieve intended results. OH&S performance is normally evaluated by using a combination of processes and sources of information such as incident investigations, inspections, audits, qualitative and quantitative indicators, culture surveys and interviews.

This document gives guidance on performance evaluation processes, including:

- selection and use of performance processes including indicators;
- monitoring and measuring to obtain data;
- analysing the data to allow performance of evaluation;
- unintended consequences;
- limitations, such as under- and over-reporting, and data distortion.

This document can be used by organizations of all types, regardless of whether they have implemented a formal OH&S management system (see ISO 45001 and ISO 45002).

This document provides examples which demonstrate how to evaluate performance to drive continual improvement and support the organization in achieving its intended results.

This document recommends a balanced approach based on selection of performance evaluation processes and indicators, with emphasis on proactive (leading) OH&S performance indicators. It recognizes that over-emphasis on past performance (lagging) indicators, such as incidence and frequency rates, can undermine efforts to improve OH&S performance.

As every organization is unique, and intended results vary, there is not a standardized set of performance evaluation processes or set of indicators that fulfil the needs of all organizations. Therefore, every organization has to identify performance evaluation processes and indicators to suit its needs.

Effective performance evaluation can help the organization to demonstrate continual improvement, and therefore may need to be adjusted when the organization’s performance changes. Effectiveness is the result of selecting the appropriate performance evaluation processes and properly implementing them. When performance evaluation processes are used inappropriately (e.g. in a way that is perceived to blame individuals for system deficiencies), they can produce unintended consequences. The most common of these consequences are discussed in this document.

This document is designed to complement ISO 45001 by providing performance evaluation approaches that align with requirements of that standard. This document can be used independently, by any organization, to improve OH&S performance.

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