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Europe, Rome

IATA 2023: Significant changes and amendments in the 64th edition

ID 17877 | | Visite: 1917 | Documenti Merci Pericolose UNECEPermalink:

64th Ed  IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations   Significant Changes

IATA 2023: Significant changes and amendments in the 64th edition 

ID 17877 | 19.10.2022 / In attachment

The 64th edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations incorporates all amendments made by the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel in developing the content of the 2023–2024 edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions as well as changes adopted by the IATA Dangerous Goods Board.

The following list is intended to assist the user to identify the main changes introduced in this edition and must not be considered an exhaustive listing.

The changes have been prefaced by the section or subsection in which the change occurs. Record of Addendum. Notes have been added to the record of addendum table to clarify that the date entered in the table should be the date that the addendum changes were incorporated into the copy of the DGR and the name entered is that of the person who incorporated those changes.
add more in attachment

Le modifiche sono principalmente nei seguenti capitoli e sezioni:

2.3 – Merci pericolose trasportate da passeggeri o equipaggio ( –
2.6 - Merci pericolose in quantità esenti (
2.8.1 – Deviazioni di Stato (varie)
3 - Classificazione (,,,
4.2 – Elenco delle merci pericolose (varie)
4.4 - Disposizioni Speciali (A1, A2, A176, A221, A223, A224, A225)
5 – Istruzioni per l'imballaggio (varie)
6 - Specifiche di imballaggio e metodi di prova (6.1.7-6.1.9, 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4.4)
7 - Marcatura ed etichettatura (
8 - Documentazione (8.2.1)
9 - Invio (9.3.7)
10 - Materiali radioattivi (,
Appendici A, C, D, E, F, H


Scarica questo file (64th Ed. IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations - Significant Changes.pdf)64th Ed. IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations - Significant Changes
IATA 2022
IT255 kB267

Tags: Merci Pericolose IATA

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