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Europe, Rome

Multilateral Agreement M345

ID 15636 | | Visite: 2020 | Accordo MultilateralePermalink:

Multilateral Agreement M345

Multilateral Agreement M345 / Sottoscrito Italia 17.06.2022

M345 - Transport of UN 2672 ammonia solution in IBCs with a vapour pressure of more than 110kPa (1.1bar) at 50°C or 130 kPa (1.3 bar) at 55°C

Accordo sottoscritto dall'Italia il 17.06.2022

1. By derogation from the requirements of the last paragraph of section prohibiting the use of IBCs with a vapour pressure of more than 110 kPa (1.1 bar) at 50oC or 130 kPa (1.3 bar) at 55oC, UN 2672 ammonia solution with up to but not more than 35% ammonia may be carried in any IBC type permitted in packing instruction IBC03 provided that the IBC has been design type tested according to at least to the pressure required for the concentration of ammonia being carried.
2. Rigid plastics and composite IBC’s which have not been pressure tested according to for ammonia solutions in excess of 20% up to but not more than 35% ammonia, may be used until 31 July 2022 for ammonia solutions in excess of 20% and not more than 35% ammonia.
3. By derogation from regarding pressure relief requirements, metal IBC’s used for the carriage of ammonia solution with up to but not more than 35% ammonia which have passed the pressure tests required in need not be fitted with vents during carriage.
4. The consignor shall enter in the transport document: “Carriage agreed under the terms of section 1.5.1 of ADR (M345)” and shall also indicate the concentration of the ammonia solution carried.
5. This agreement shall be valid until 31 January 2027 for the carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement. If it is revoked before then by one of the signatories, it shall remain valid until the above-mentioned date only for carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement which have not revoked it.

United Kingdom 31/01/2022  
Ireland  31/01/2022  
Italy 17/06/2022  
San Marino 11/07/2022  

Date of expiry: 1 February 2027

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