ISO/PAS 45005:2020 Guidelines safe working during COVID-19 pandemic
ID 12306 | | Visite: 9231 | Documenti ISO | Permalink: |
ISO/PAS 45005:2020 General guidelines for safe working during COVID-19 pandemic
ID 12306 | 15.12.2020 / ISO/PAS(*) 40005:2020 Norma completa allegata
Da ISO la norma ISO/PAS 45005:2020 relativa a Linee guida applicabili alle organizzazioni per gestire gli aspetti di sicurezza sul lavoro durante la pandemia COVID-19.
Questo documento fornisce linee guida per le organizzazioni su come gestire i rischi derivanti da COVID-19 per proteggere la salute, la sicurezza dei lavoratori.
E' applicabile alle organizzazioni di tutte le dimensioni e settori, comprese quelle che:
a) hanno operato durante la pandemia;
b) riprendono o prevedono di riprendere le attività a seguito di chiusura totale o parziale;
c) stanno rioccupando luoghi di lavoro che sono stati completamente o parzialmente chiusi;
d) sono nuovi e prevedono di operare per la prima volta.
Questo documento fornisce anche una guida relativa alla protezione di tutti i lavoratori (ad es. Lavoratori impiegati dall'organizzazione, lavoratori di fornitori esterni, appaltatori, lavoratori autonomi, lavoratori interinali, lavoratori anziani, lavoratori con disabilità e primi soccorritori) e altre parti interessate pertinenti (ad es. visitatori di un luogo di lavoro, inclusi membri del pubblico).
Implementando la guida, l'organizzazione sarà in grado di:
a) intraprendere azioni efficaci per proteggere i lavoratori e altre parti interessate rilevanti dai rischi legati al COVID-19;
b) dimostrare che sta affrontando i rischi relativi al COVID-19 utilizzando un approccio sistematico;
c) mettere in atto un quadro per consentire un adattamento efficace e tempestivo alla situazione in evoluzione.
Le organizzazioni che utilizzano ISO 45001 possono utilizzare questo documento per informare il proprio sistema di gestione SSL mettendo in relazione le clausole pertinenti al ciclo Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), come descritto di seguito. L'adozione di un approccio di sistema facilita il coordinamento delle risorse e degli sforzi che sono così importanti nella gestione di COVID-19.
- Plan: pianificare cosa deve essere fatto affinché l'organizzazione funzioni in sicurezza (vedere clausole da 4 a 8).
- Do: fare ciò che l'organizzazione ha pianificato di fare (vedere le clausole da 9 a 12).
- Check: vedere come funziona (vedere la clausola 13).
- Act: risolvere i problemi e cercare modi per rendere ancora più efficace ciò che l'organizzazione sta facendo (vedere la clausola 14).
Questo documento non vuole essere un unico insieme di raccomandazioni passo passo. Fornisce un quadro in cui il ciclo PDCA delineato sopra dovrebbe essere ripetuto, con tutte le parti attive in ogni momento, per consentire un miglioramento continuo e per garantire che l'organizzazione risponda ai cambiamenti durante le diverse fasi della pandemia.
(*) (PAS - Publicly Available Specification) specifica disponibile pubblicamente
This document is a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased risk this disease presents to the health, safety and well-being of people in all settings, including those working at home or in mobile settings, and workers and other interested parties in physical workplaces.
Governments, regulators and other professional bodies across the world have published guidance on working safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. This document provides a single generic set of guidelines that complements this information and supports the principles that:
- reasonable measures to manage the risks arising from COVID-19 are, or will be, implemented to protect the health and safety of workers and other relevant interested parties:- workers should not be required to work unless these measures have been implemented. This guidance includes practical recommendations to organizations and workers on how to manage these risks and is suitable for organizations resuming operations, those that have been operational throughout the pandemic, and those that are starting operations. The guidance is generic and applicable to organizations regardless of the nature of business, service provision, size or complexity. It recognizes that many smaller organizations do not have dedicated departments for functions such as occupational health and safety (OH&S), facilities management or human resources. More detailed information for specific functions is available from professional bodies and a wide range of national and international standards. By implementing the guidance in this document, the organization will be able to:
a) take effective action to protect workers and other relevant interested parties from the risks related to COVID-19;
b) demonstrate that it is addressing risks related to COVID-19 using a systematic approach;
c) put in place a framework to enable effective and timely adaptation to the changing situation. Organizations using ISO 45001 can use this document to inform their OH&S management system by relating the relevant clauses to the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, as outlined below. Taking a systems approach facilitates the coordination of resources and efforts that is so important in managing COVID-19.
- Plan: Plan what needs to be done for the organization to work safely (see Clauses 4 to 8).
- Do: Do what the organization has planned to do (see Clauses 9 to 12).
- Check: See how well it is working (see Clause 13).
- Act: Fix problems and look for ways to make what the organization is doing even more effective (see Clause 14). This document is not intended to be a single step-by-step set of recommendations. It provides a framework in which the PDCA cycle outlined above should be repeated, with all parts active at all times, to enable ongoing continual improvement and to ensure the organization responds to changes during the different phases of the pandemic.
1 Scope
This document gives guidelines for organizations on how to manage the risks arising from COVID-19 to protect work-related health, safety and well-being.
a) have been operating throughout the pandemic;
b) are resuming or planning to resume operations following full or partial closure;
c) are re-occupying workplaces that have been fully or partially closed;
d) are new and planning to operate for the first time.
This document also provides guidance relating to the protection of workers of all types (e.g. workers employed by the organization, workers of external providers, contractors, self-employed individuals, agency workers, older workers, workers with a disability and first responders), and other relevant interested parties (e.g. visitors to a workplace, including members of the public).
This document is not intended to provide guidance on how to implement specific infection control protocols in clinical, healthcare and other settings.
Applicable legislation and guidance is provided by government, regulators and health authorities for workers in these settings or in related roles.
all ISO/PAS 45005:2020 in attacchment
Fonte: ISO
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