Safety Integrity Software Tool for the Evaluation of Machine Applications
Rilasciata da IFA la Versione 1.1.7 Marzo 2015
Il software SISTEMA fornisce a chi sviluppa e verifica sistemi di controllo relativi alla sicurezza per le macchine un supporto completo per la valutazione della sicurezza nel contesto della norma EN ISO 13849-1.
Lo strumento consente di creare un modello della struttura realizzata con i componenti per il sistema di controllo relativo alla sicurezza sulla base delle architetture designate, permettendo in tal modo di calcolare automaticamente con diverso livello di dettaglio i parametri di affidabilità, compreso quello del Performance Level ottenuto (PL).
IFA - Istituto per la Salute e la Sicurezza sul Lavoro dell'Assicurazione per gli Incidenti sul Lavoro in Germania
Pacchetto in download completo di:
1. SISTEMA 1.1.7 2. Brief description of SISTEMA 3. SISTEMA: a Tool for the Easy Application of the Control Standard EN ISO 13849-1, White paper, September 2008 4. BGIA Report 2/2008e Functional safety of machine controls Application of EN ISO 13849 5. SISTEMA Cookbook 1 From the schematic circuit diagram to the Performance Level - quantification of safety functions with SISTEMA 6. SISTEMA Cookbook 2 Use of network libraries 7. SISTEMA Cookbook 3 Running several instances of SISTEMA in parallel (terminal server) 8. SISTEMA Cookbook 4 When the designated don't match 9. SISTEMA Cookbook 5 Bibliotheken 10. SISTEMA Cookbook 4 11. SISTEMA Cookbook 5 example library 12. Examples Circuit Examples BGIA-Report 02-2008e
SISTEMA libraries
In SISTEMA, safety-related parts of a control system (SRP/CS) are engineered from subsystems, blocks and elements - components for industrial use which can generally be purchased commercially - for which the user enters various values and information. Component manufacturers describe these data, for example in data sheets or in catalogues, but may also make them available to SISTEMA users in the form of SISTEMA libraries (see screenshot). The benefit to the user: he can copy these data from a library into a SISTEMA project, quickly and without error.
Listed below are manufacturers known to IFA as providing SISTEMA libraries. The list is updated regularly and may be accessed from SISTEMA directly (Menu bar of SISTEMA Library GUI: Help -> Manufacturer Libraries). Manufacturers will be added to the list on request to IFA.
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV)/IFA - Institut für Arbeitsschutz point out that the SISTEMA libraries listed here are provided and generated by the respective companies. They underlie the conditions of use as given on the companies' websites.
DGUV/IFA cannot be made liable for SISTEMA libraries listed here as being up to date, correct, complete and/or free of faults. Neither can DGUV/IFA for whatever reason be made liable for any damage.
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