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BREF Production of large volume inorganic chemicals

ID 19193 | | Visite: 2003 | Documenti Ambiente UEPermalink:

BREF For the production of large volume inorganic chemicals (LVIC BREF)

ID 19193 | 10.03.2023 / MR 01.2023

Kick-off Meeting for the drawing up of the LVIC BREF

The Technical Working Group (TWG) for the drawing up of the Best Available Techniques Reference Document for the Production of Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals held its Kick-off Meeting (KoM), in a hybrid format, in the period from 24 to 28 October 2022. TWGs are set up to facilitate the exchange of information under Article 13(1) of the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU).

The drawing up process of the LVIC BREF started in November 2021 with the activation of the TWG by the EIPPCB. Subsequently, the EIPPCB sent out a call for initial positions on 18 February 2022, with a deadline for responses of 22 April 2022. A total of 23 stakeholder groups responded: 14 Member States (AT, BE, CZ, DE, ES, FI, FR, IT, NL, PL, PT, SE, SK and SI), 8 industry associations (CEFIC (including CEFIC sector groups), EIGA, EUROFER, EUROMETAUX (including IZA), Euromines, Fertilizers Europe, Fuels Europe, IMA Europe) and 1 environmental NGO (EEB). Based on these responses, a Background Paper (BP) was prepared by the EIPPCB to facilitate the discussion at the Kick-off Meeting.

The BP lists the proposals of the EIPPCB made in the call for initial positions, summarises and assesses the initial positions of TWG members on those proposals, and presents the modified EIPPCB proposals. Following the assessment of initial positions, the BP identified items for discussion (BP Section 2) and not for discussion at the KoM (BP Section 3). The EIPPCB uploaded the BP to BATIS on 15 July 2022 and organised the KoM, as a hybrid meeting, from 24 to 28 October 2022 (see Table 1).

The meeting agenda included presentations and discussions on, for example, scope, key environmental issues for emissions to air and to water as well as for consumption of energy, water, key raw materials and other items relevant for the drawing up of the LVIC BREF. In response to the reactions and comments on the BP received by 5 October 2022, it was decided to discuss at the KoM additional items that were originally proposed as not for discussion in the BP (see Table 1).

The Head of the EIPPCB and a permanent staff member of the EIPPCB chaired the KoM. The LVIC BREF co-authors (i.e. the LVIC BREF author team of the EIPPCB) introduced each topic and led the technical discussions.

The TWG’s agreement was sought on the following key items: 1) scope of the LVIC BREF, 2) interface with other BREFs, 3) key environmental issues, 4) confidentiality issues associated with the data collection and next steps for the drawing up of the LVIC BREF. All items were discussed in a similar manner. First, the EIPPCB presented the original proposal or request for information as included in the call for initial positions. This was followed by an overview of the initial positions of TWG members and the subsequent assessment by the EIPPCB. Afterwards, the modified EIPPCB proposal was presented. TWG members then had the opportunity to discuss the proposal on the table, and reach a conclusion by consensus.
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