Cranes - Inspections Bridge and gantry cranes, including portal and semi-portal cranes and their supporting structures (Ispezioni gru a ponte e cavalletto)
This document specifies the inspections to be carried out on bridge and gantry cranes. It is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 9927-1. It does not cover inspection prior to the first use of a bridge or gantry crane. ....
5 Daily inspections 5.1 General Daily inspections shall be carried out at the start of each shift during which the crane is to be used. These are to test the functionality of the crane and visually check for any defects (in general, no dismantling is required). It is essential that these are carried out from a position of safety. Visual and auditory checks are normally made from floor level unless a better permanent vantage point is available. They shall be carried out by a competent person (e.g. the crane driver).
5.2 Content The inspections shall include the following:
a) the functioning of emergency stop controls; b) the functioning of all crane motion controls (generally without a load); c) the functioning of electrical isolator switch; d) the functioning of motion limiting devices, exercising caution while making checks in case of malfunction; e) the functioning of brakes (generally without a load); f) the functioning of limiting and indicating devices and audible warning devices, where fitted; g) a visual examination of the general condition of the crane structure and mechanisms, with particular attention to the ropes, chains or belts, the sheaves, the hook and its latch; h) any unusual noises or erratic movement during operation; i) for cab-controlled cranes and cranes with access to the bridge, a visual examination to ensure that the work areas on the crane are tidy and free from any item which might fall, that access and egress from the cab is adequate and that the appropriate fire-fighting equipment is available and serviceable; j) a visual examination of the condition of the cab controls, the pendant and associated cables or remote control station as appropriate; in particular, the condition of the casings and seals of pendant and remote controls, as damage can lead to false commands; k) where an intelligent self-diagnosis and fault-finding system is provided, checking any information on the display; l) a visual examination to ensure that there are no obstructions in the path of travel of the crane and power feed system and that adequate precautions are in place to prevent collisions; in particular for portal and semi-portal cranes, a check for any debris or other track obstructions; m) a visual examination to ensure that the crane signage is present and legible including the rated capacity, any individual hoist and hoist combination capacities and motion signage on crane/hoist structures corresponding to the operator controls. ... Collegati
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