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Atti del 2nd International Workshop Investigating The Causes Of Fire

ID 1594 | | Visite: 6940 | Prevenzione IncendiPermalink:

Atti del 2nd International Workshop Investigating The Causes Of Fire

An overview of the Arson phenomena in Italian Malls and Stores
The role of the statistics in the fire investigation
The new investigating paradigm on the scene of the crime
The importance of the certification of testing laboratories that perform technical assessments for the investigation (ISO 17025)
The evidence on the scene of an arson: Italian and International legislation
European Cooperation and Collaboration to support Fire Investigation: the roles of the ENFIP Network and the EUFOFINET Project
Fire Ignition Analysis on Photovoltaic Roof and Related buildings
Can computer models be used in fire investigation?
An LPG explosion scenario reconstruction based on CFD simulations
The Italian investigating approach in forest fires
Industrial accidents and fires involving chemical reactors: some case studies 
Causes and dynamics of the multiple explosion occurred in the tank park of a plant that processed raw pomace oil to get edible olive oil

Roma Maggio 2015
Fonte: VVF

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Allegato riservato International Workshop Investigating The Causes Of Fire - 2nd
Atti - 2nd Edition 2015
115822 kB 26

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