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EN ISO 19085-12:2021 - Tenonatrici/profilatrici

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EN ISO 19085 12 2021

EN ISO 19085-12:2021 - Tenonatrici/profilatrici

UNI EN ISO 19085-12:2021 Macchine per la lavorazione del legno - Sicurezza - Parte 12: Tenonatrici/profilatrici

Recepisce: EN ISO 19085-12:2021

Adotta: ISO 19085-12:2021

Data entrata in vigore: 11 novembre 2021

La norma fornisce i requisiti di sicurezza e le misure per i veicoli stazionari, caricati e scaricati manualmente.

UNI EN 1218-1:2009
UNI EN 1218-2:2009
UNI EN 1218-5:2010


In allegato EN ISO 19085-12:2021 Preview riservata Abbonati

EN ISO 19085-12:2021
Woodworking machines - Safety - Part 12: Tenoning/profiling machines (ISO 19085-12:2021)

The ISO 19085 series of International Standards provides technical safety requirements for the design and construction of woodworking machinery. It concerns designers, manufacturers, suppliers and importers of the machines specified in the Scope. It also includes a list of informative items that the manufacturer will need to give to the user.

This document is a type-C standard as stated in ISO 12100.

The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events are covered are indicated in the Scope of this document.

When requirements of this type-C standard are different from those which are stated in type-A or type-B standards, the requirements of this type-C standard take precedence over the requirements of the other standards for machines that have been designed and built according to the requirements of this type-C standard.

The full set of requirements for a particular type of woodworking machine are those given in the part of ISO 19085 applicable to that type, together with the relevant requirements from ISO 19085-1:2017, to the extent specified in the Scope of the applicable part of ISO 19085.

As far as possible, in parts of ISO 19085 other than ISO 19085-1:2017, safety requirements are referenced to the relevant sections of ISO 19085-1:2017, to avoid repetition and reduce their length. The other parts contain replacements and additions to the common requirements given in ISO 19085-1:2017.

Thus, Clauses 5, 6, 7 and 8 with their subclauses and the annexes of this document can either

- confirm as a whole,
- confirm with additions,
- exclude in total, or
- replace with specific text
the corresponding subclauses or annexes of ISO 19085-1:2017.

This interrelation is indicated in the first paragraph of each subclause or annex right after the title by one of the following statements:

- “ISO 19085-1:2017, [subclause/Annex], applies.”;
- “ISO 19085-1:2017, [subclause/Annex], applies with the following additions.” or “ISO 19085-1:2017, [subclause/Annex], applies with the following additions, subdivided into further specific subclauses.”;
- “ISO 19085-1:2017, [subclause/Annex], does not apply.”;
- “ISO 19085-1:2017, [subclause/Annex], is replaced by the following text.” or “ISO 19085-1:2017,
[subclause/Annex], is replaced by the following text, subdivided into further specific subclauses.”.
Specific subclauses and annexes in this document without correspondent in ISO 19085-1:2017 are indicated by the introductory sentence: “Subclause/Annex specific to this document.”.
Clauses 1, 2 and 4 replace the correspondent clauses of ISO 19085-1:2017, with no need for indication since they are specific to each part of the series.
Note Requirements for tools are given in EN 847-1:2017 and EN 847-2:2017. Requirements for tool clamping devices are given in EN 847-3:2013.


Fonte: UNI


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