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Le norme della Serie ISO 8686-X

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Le norme della Serie ISO 8686 X

Le norme della Serie ISO 8686-X

ID 13897 | 12.07.2021 / in allegato Preview norme (EN)

Serie di norme ISO 8686-X riguardanti i principi di progettazione per carichi e combinazioni di carichi delle gru e precisamente:

- ISO 8686-1:2012 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations General
- ISO 8686-2:2018 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations Mobile cranes
- ISO 8686-3:2018 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations Tower cranes
- ISO 8686-4:2005 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations Jib cranes
- ISO 8686-5:2017 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations Overhead travelling and portal bridge cranes

- ISO 8686-1:2012 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations General

ISO 8686-1:2012 establishes general methods for the calculating loads and principles to be used in the selection of load combinations for proofs of competence in accordance with ISO 20332 for the structural and mechanical components of cranes as defined in ISO 4306-1.

It is based on rigid-body kinetic analysis and elastostatic analysis but expressly permits the use of more advanced methods (calculations or tests) to evaluate the effects of loads and load combinations, and the values of dynamic load factors, where it can be demonstrated that these provide at least equivalent levels of competence.

ISO 8686-1:2012 provides for two distinct kinds of application: the general form, content and ranges of parameter values for more specific standards to be developed for individual crane types; a framework for agreement on loads and load combinations between a designer or manufacturer and a crane purchaser for those types of cranes where specific standards do not exist.

- ISO 8686-2:2018 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations Mobile cranes

- ISO 8686-3:2018 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations Tower cranes

This document establishes the application of ISO 8686-1 to tower cranes for construction work as defined in ISO 4306-3, and gives specific requirements and values for factors to be used at the structural calculation. Tower cranes for construction work are exclusively equipped with a hook as the load-handling device. For tower cranes intended to be used for other purposes and/or with other load-handling devices, other values can be necessary according to the tower crane usage specification.

This document establishes the application of ISO 8686-1 to tower cranes for construction work as defined in ISO 4306-3, and gives specific requirements and values for factors to be used at the structural calculation. Tower cranes for construction work are exclusively equipped with a hook as the load-handling device. For tower cranes intended to be used for other purposes and/or with other load-handling devices, other values can be necessary according to the tower crane usage specification.

- ISO 8686-4:2005 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations Jib cranes

ISO 8686-4:2005 applies the general design principles set forth in ISO 8686-1 to jib cranes, i.e. jib-type cranes other than those offshore, tower, mobile, railway, gantry and overhead cranes covered in other parts of ISO 8686-1, as defined in ISO 4306-1, and presents loads and load combinations appropriate for use in proof-of-competence calculations for the steel structures of jib cranes.

- ISO 8686-5:2017 Cranes - Design principles for loads and load combinations Overhead travelling and portal bridge cranes

ISO 8686-5:2017 establishes the application of ISO 8686-1 to overhead travelling and portal bridge cranes as defined in ISO 4306-1 and gives specific values for the factors to be used.

In allegato Preview ISO 8686-1:2012, ISO 8686-2:2018, ISO 8686-3:2018, ISO 8686-4:2005 e ISO 8686-5:2017 Cranes riservate Abbonati.

Tags: Normazione Abbonati Normazione

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