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EN ISO 11553-2:2009 | Requisiti di sicurezza per macchine laser portatili

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EN ISO 11553 2 2009

EN ISO 11553-2:2009 | Requisiti di sicurezza per macchine laser portatili

EN ISO 11553-2:2009 Sicurezza del macchinario - Macchine laser - Parte 2: Requisiti di sicurezza per macchine laser portatili

Adotta: ISO 11553-2:2007

Data entrata in vigore: 23 aprile 2009

La presente norma è la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese della norma europea EN ISO 11553-2 (edizione novembre 2008). La norma specifica i requisiti di sicurezza per macchine laser portatili.

Sostituisce: EN ISO 11553-2:2007


In allegato Preview EN ISO 11553-2:2009 riservata Abbonati

EN ISO 11553-2:2009 Safety of machinery - Laser processing machines - Part 2: Safety requirements for hand-held laser processing devices

This part of ISO 11553 specifies the requirements for laser processing devices, as defined in ISO 11553-1, which are hand-held or hand-operated. The purpose of this part of ISO 11553 is to draw attention to the particular hazards related to the use of hand-held laser and hand-operated laser processing devices and to prevent personal injury.

This includes both the areas of hazard analysis and risk assessment as well as protective measures. Requirements concerning noise as a hazard are not included in this part of ISO 11553.

These requirements are to be included in a subsequent amendment. This part of ISO 11553 does not apply to laser products or equipment manufactured solely or expressly for applications which are excluded from the scope of ISO 11553-1.


Fonte: ISO/UNI

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