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IEC 62281:2019+AMD1:2021

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IEC 62281 Safety of primary and secondary lithium batteries during transport

IEC 62281:2019+AMD1:2021 CSV Consolidated version

Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries during transport


IEC 62281:2019+A1:2021 specifies test methods and requirements for primary and secondary (rechargeable) lithium cells and batteries to ensure their safety during transport other than for recycling or disposal. Requirements specified in this document do not apply in those cases where special provisions given in the relevant regulations, listed in 7.3, provide exemptions.
Different standards may apply for lithium-ion traction battery systems used for electrically propelled road vehicles.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision.This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:

a) button cell definition revised, moved to coin (cell or battery);
b) addition of provisions for batteries forming an integral part of equipment (5.4);
c) all tests for secondary cells and batteries now also contain a requirement for 25 charge and recharge cycles prior to the test;
d) addition of alternative tables for Table 1 and Table 2 in Annex B;
e) addition of "forcible" to the rupture criteria;
f) test report 6.8 merged with test certificate 6.9 and replaced with the items listed in [13];
g) addition of an informative Annex B with important deviations from the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Chapter 38.3.
This consolidated version consists of the fourth edition (2019) and its amendment 1 (2021). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.
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