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UNI EN ISO 1716:2018 | Prove di reazione al fuoco dei prodotti

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UNI EN ISO 1716:2018

Prove di reazione al fuoco dei prodotti - Determinazione del potere calorifico superiore

La norma descrive un metodo per la determinazione del potere calorifico superiore dei prodotti, a volume costante all'interno di una bomba calorimetrica.

Data entrata in vigore : 23 agosto 2018

Recepisce : CEN11062221

Adotta: ISO 1716:2018

Sostituisce : UNI EN ISO 1716:2010


In allegato Preview ISO 1716:2018 riservato Abbonati

ISO 1716:2018 - Reaction to fire tests for products -- Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value)

This document specifies a method for the determination of the gross heat of combustion (QPCS) of products at constant volume in a bomb calorimeter.

This method is intended to be applied to solid products.

NOTE Liquids can be tested with similar equipment and using conditions described in ASTM D240[1], as described in IEC 61039[2] using ISO 1928[3] test equipment.

Annex A specifies the calculation of the net heat of combustion, QPCI, when required.

Information on the precision of the test method is given in Annex B.

Published Publication date: 2018-05


Fonte: UNI 

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