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EN 14710-2:2009

ID 6325 | | Visite: 3310 | Documenti Riservati NormazionePermalink:


Pompe centrifughe antincendio senza sistema di adescamento - Verifica requisiti generali

Pompe antincendio - Pompe centrifughe antincendio senza sistema di adescamento - Parte 2: Verifica dei requisiti generali e di sicurezza EN 14710-2:2017

UNI EN 14710-2:2009 la norma che sostituisce la UNI EN 14710-2:2008

La presente norma è la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese della norma europea EN 14710-2:2005+A2 (edizione dicembre 2008).

La norma tratta la verifica dei requisiti generali e di sicurezza di pompe centrifughe antincendio senza sistema di adescamento come specificato nella UNI EN 14710-1.

Norma armonizzata Direttiva 2006/42/CE Macchine

Data entrata in vigore : 02 aprile 2009

EN 14710-2:2005+A2:2008

UNI EN 14710-2:2008 


In allegato preview EN 14710-2 riservato abbonati

This document is a type C standard as stated in EN ISO 12100-1.

The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards, hazardous situations and events are covered are indicated in the scope of this document.

Where provisions of this type C standard are different from those which are stated in type A or B standards, the provisions of this type C standard take precedence over the provisions of the other standards, for machines that have been designed and built in accordance with the provisions of this type C standard.

This document covers verification of the general and safety requirements of fire-fighting centrifugal pumps without primer as specified in EN 14710-1.

NOTE The tests can also be applied to pumps with nominal delivery rates greater than 10 000 l/min.

This document does not apply to fire-fighting centrifugal pumps without primer that are manufactured before the date of publication by CEN of this document.



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Pompe antincendio
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