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UNI EN 1757:2022

ID 17019 | | Visite: 3152 | Documenti UNIPermalink:

UNI EN 1757 2022

UNI EN 1757:2022

ID 17019 | 05.07.2022 / In allegato Preview

Sicurezza dei carrelli industriali - Carrelli industriali con piattaforma a propulsione con operatore a terra

La norma si applica ai carrelli industriali con piattaforma a propulsione con operatore a terra con una portata nominale fino a 500 kg inclusi, progettati per scopi generali.


EN 1757:2022 Safety of industrial trucks - Pedestrian propelled industrial platform trucks

This document applies to pedestrian propelled industrial platform trucks as defined in 3.1 with a rated capacity up to and including 500 kg, hereinafter referred to as “trucks” and designed for general purposes.

This document does not apply to:

- shopping trolleys referred to in EN 1929, Parts 1 to 4 and 7 (CEN/TC 291);
- roll containers referred to in EN 12674, Parts 1 to 4 (CEN/TC 261); — trucks that are intended to be towed by powered vehicles, e.g. milk-run-trains/trailer trains/tugger trains.

This document deals with the technical requirements to minimize the hazards listed in Annex C which can arise during commissioning, operation and maintenance of trucks when carried out in accordance with the specifications as intended by the manufacturer.

This document does not specify the additional requirements for:

- operation in severe conditions (e.g. extreme environmental conditions such as: freezer applications, high temperatures, corrosive environment);
- operation subject to special rules (e.g. potentially explosive atmospheres);
- handling of loads the nature of which could lead to dangerous situations (e.g. molten metal, acids/alkalis, radiating materials, especially brittle loads);
- hazards occurring during construction, transportation, decommissioning and disposal; — direct contact with foodstuffs;
- operation on gradients or on surfaces other than smooth, level, hard surfaces;
- trucks designed for special applications (e.g., trucks used in hospitals as dinner trollies);
- trucks fitted with hinged or sliding doors. Other possible limitations of the scope of other standards referred to that also apply to this document. Hazards relating to noise, vibration, visibility and static electricity are not dealt with in this document.

This document applies to trucks manufactured after the date of issue.

Fonte: UNI

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