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EN 17235:2024

ID 22715 | | Visite: 384 | Documenti CENPermalink:

EN 17235 2024 Dispositivi di ancoraggio permanenti

EN 17235:2024 / Permanent anchor devices and safety hooks / Ed. 1 Sept. 2024

ID 22715| 11.10.2024 / EN 18 Sep 2024 - UNI 10.10.2024 - In allegato Preview

Pubblicata l'attesa 1a Edizione della norma europea EN 17235:2024 Dispositivi di ancoraggio permanenti e ganci di sicurezza. La norma sarà armonizzata per il CPR - Regolamento (UE) 305/2011.

EN 17235:2024
Permanent anchor devices and safety hooks

Pubblication date: 18.09.2024 / Pubblicazione UNI: 10 ottobre 2024

This document specifies assessment of characteristics for anchor devices and safety hooks intended to be used with personal fall protection systems to prevent persons from falling and arrest falls, both permanently fixed on or into buildings and civil engineering works.

The safety hooks covered under this standard are also intended to for the attachment of mobile roof ladders or work platforms and have an opening of not less than 80 mm and not more than 150 mm, see Figure 2. The height h of the hook is at least 120 mm.

The personal fall protection systems are used according to EN 363:2018.

This standard also covers the fastening kits used to secure the anchor devices or safety hooks on or into the load bearing structure.

It specifies essential dimensions, materials and criteria to assess the performance of representative load bearing structures.

This standard describes the methods and criteria to assess the performance and durability of the following anchor kits:
-   Kit A (Anchor kit incorporating a single anchor device);
-   Kit B (Anchor kit incorporating a safety hook);
-   Kit C (Anchor kit incorporating a horizontal wire anchor line);
-   Kit D (Anchor kit incorporating a horizontal rail anchor line).

The kits described in this standard consist usually of several components. They are intended to be evaluated as a kit in its entirety.

This standard is not applicable to:
-   Temporary anchor devices according to EN 795:2012;
-   Facilities for roof access according to EN 516:2006;
-   Permanently fixed ladders on roofs according to EN 12951:2004.
-   Permanent anchor devices and safety hooks fixed with nails.

Pubblicazione UNI: 10 ottobre 2024

UNI EN 17235:2024

Dispositivi di ancoraggio permanenti e ganci di sicurezza
Data disponibilità: 10 ottobre 2024

La norma specifica la valutazione delle caratteristiche dei dispositivi di ancoraggio e dei ganci di sicurezza destinati ad essere utilizzati con sistemi di protezione personale anticaduta per impedire la caduta e arrestare le cadute, sia fissati in modo permanente su o all'interno di edifici e opere di ingegneria civile. I ganci di sicurezza oggetto della presente norma sono destinati anche al fissaggio di scale mobili da tetto o piattaforme di lavoro e hanno un'apertura non minore di 80 mm e non maggiore di150 mm.


single anchor device
anchor comprising a single permanent and stationary anchor device which includes one or more anchor points

 EN 17235 2024 Dispositivi di ancoraggio permanenti   Fig  A

1 load-bearing structure
2 fastening kit (e.g. with resin bonding)
3 anchor device
4 anchor point

Figure 1 - Examples of Kit A

safety hook
permanent device with an anchor point and a hook shaped element to attach temporary roof ladders and temporary work platforms

Note 1 to entry: Safety hooks are not intended to be used for permanent roof ladders or permanent platforms.

EN 17235 2024 Dispositivi di ancoraggio permanenti   Fig  B

1 fastening kit
2 ladder hook
3 anchor point
4 load-bearing roof construction

Figure 2 - Examples of Kit B


Legislation related to this standard
Regulation (eu) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/EEC


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