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ADR 2017: Ufficiale il 1° Gennaio alle modifiche proposte

ID 3128 | | Visite: 8671 | ADR 2017Permalink:

ADR 2017: Ufficiale il 1° Gennaio con le modifiche proposte agli Allegati A e B

Reference: C.N.744.2016.TREATIES-XI.B.14 del 10 Ottobre 2016

Entro il 1° ottobre 2016, nessuna delle parti contraenti dell'accordo ADR ha comunicato un'obiezione al Segretario generale.

Di conseguenza, secondo le disposizioni dell'articolo 14 (3), dell'accordo, le modifiche proposte agli allegati A e B, come modificato entra in vigore per tutte le parti contraenti il 1° gennaio 2017.

Article 14 *

1. Independently of the revision procedure provided for in article 13, any Contracting Party may propose one or more amendments to the Annexes to this Agreement. To that end it shall transmit the text thereof to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Secretary-General may also propose amendments to the Annexes to this Agreement for the purpose of ensuring concordance between those Annexes and other international agreements concerning the carriage of dangerous goods.

2. The Secretary-General shall transmit any proposal made under paragraph 1 of this article to all Contracting Parties and inform thereof the other countries referred to in article 6, paragraph 1.

3. Any proposed amendment to the Annexes shall be deemed to be accepted unless, within three months from the date on which the Secretary-General circulates it, at least one-third of the Contracting Parties, or five of them if one-third exceeds that figure, have given the Secretary-General written notification of their objection to the proposed amendment. If the amendment is deemed to be accepted, it shall enter into force for all the Contracting Parties, on the expiry of a further period of three months, except in the following cases:

(a) In cases where similar amendments have been or are likely to be made to the other international agreements referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, the amendment sha ll enter into force on the expiry of a period the duration of which shall be determined by the Secretary-General in such a way as to allow, wherever possible, the simultaneous entry into force of the amendment and those that have been made or are likely to be made to such other agreements; such period shall not, however, be of less than one month's duration;

(b) The Contracting Party submitting the proposed amendment may specify in its proposal, for the purpose of entry into force of the amendment, should it be accepted, a period of more than three months' duration.

4. The Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible, notify all Contracting Parties and all the countries referred to in article 6, paragraph 1, of any objection which may be received from the Contracting Parties to a proposed amendment.

5. If the proposed amendment to the Annexes is not deemed to be accepted, but if at least one Contracting Party other than the Contracting Party which proposed the amendment has given the Secretary-General written notification of its agreement to the proposal, a meeting of all the Contracting Parties and all the countries referred to in article

6, paragraph 1, shall be convened by the Secretary-General within three months after the expiry of the period of three months within which, under paragraph 3 of this article, notification must be given of objection to the amendment. The Secretary-General may also invite to such meeting representatives of:

(a) intergovernmental organizations which are concerned with transport matters;

(b) international non-governmental organizations whose activities are directly related to the transport of dangerous goods in the territories of the Contracting Parties.

6. Any amendment adopted by more than half the total number of Contracting Parties at a meeting convened in accordance with paragraph 5 of this article shall enter into force for all Contracting Parties in accordance with the procedure agreed at such meeting by the majority of the Contracting Parties attending it.

Le modifiche all’ADR 2017 EN

Commenti USTRA CH IT

ADR 2017: recepita dall'UE con la Direttiva (UE) 2016/2309 del 20.12.2016

Scarica questo file (CN-744-2016e.pdf)CN-744-2016e
ADR 2017 Com. UNECE
EN58 kB1153

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