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Multilateral Agreement M309

ID 5346 | | Visite: 4100 | Accordo MultilateralePermalink:

M309 Cables ADR

M309 Cables 

Multilateral Agreement M309 under section 1.5.1 ADR concerning cables in accordance with ADR

(1) By derogation from the provisions of the second paragraph of of ADR the cables do not have to be tested as stipulated in ISO 16750-4:2010 and ISO 16750-5:2010.
However, they shall be suitable for the conditions in the area of the vehicle, such as temperature range and fluid compatibility conditions, under which they are intended to be used.

(2) This agreement shall be valid until 31 December 2018 for carriage on the territories of the ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this Agreement. If it is revoked before that date by one of the signatories, it shall remain valid until the above mentioned date only for  carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this Agreement which have not revoked it.

Bonn, 01 December 2017

Germany 1/12/2017  
France 14/12/2017  
United Kingdom 22/12/2017  

Date of expiry: 31 December 2018

Scarica questo file (M309 letter.pdf)M309 Letter
EN220 kB854
Scarica questo file (Multilaterale Vereinbarungen M309.pdf)Multilaterale Vereinbarungen M309
DE227 kB754
Scarica questo file (Accord Multilateral M309.pdf)Accord Multilateral M309
FR38 kB830
Scarica questo file (Multilateral Agreement M309.pdf)Multilateral Agreement M309
EN213 kB720

Tags: Merci Pericolose Accordi multilaterali

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