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Multilateral Agreement M349

ID 18383 | | Visite: 1500 | Accordo MultilateralePermalink:

Multilateral Agreement M349

M349 / Reserved Italy - Periodic inspection of LPG welded steel cylinders

ID 18383 | 15.12.2022 / M349 in attachment

Multilateral agreement M349 - Reserved Italy - Periodic inspection of LPG welded steel cylinders

Multilateral agreement M349 under 1.5.1 of ADR concerning periodic inspection of LPG welded steel cylinders:

1) This agreement concerns the periodic inspection of refillable welded steel cylinders for the carriage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) of UN 1011, UN 1075, UN 1965, UN 1969 or UN 1978.

2) By derogation from the provisions of of ADR, at the time of periodic inspection, LPG welded steel cylinders filled in accordance with EN 1439 are exempted from the check of the internal conditions of the pressure receptacle required in (b) of ADR.

3) This agreement only applies to cylinders filled with LPG of high quality with very low potential contamination. This is deemed to be fulfilled, if only LPG conforming to the corrosion contaminants level of ISO 9162:1989, is filled in.

4) This agreement shall be valid until 31st December 2027 for the carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting Parties signatory to this agreement. If it is revoked before then by one of the signatories, it shall remain valid until the above mentioned date only for the carriage on the territories of those ADR Contracting parties signatory to this agreement which have not revoked it.

Country Signed Revoked
Italy 07/12/2022   
France  13/12/2022   

Valid until: 31 December 2027

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Tags: Merci Pericolose Accordi multilaterali Abbonati Trasporto ADR

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