Solvay Conference 1927
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Solvay Conference Brussels 1927
08.08.2023 / Download picture Solvay Conference participants 1927
The iconic picture made in 1927 during the Solvay International Conference on Electrons and Photons (Fifth conference). This world-famous photo shows the prime of the scientific leadership of that time. (Brussels, 24 / 29 October 1927)
A. Piccard,
E. Henriot,
P. Ehrenfest,
E. Herzen,
Th. de Donder,
E. Schrödinger,
J. E. Verschaffelt,
W. Pauli,
W. Heisenberg,
R. H. Fowler,
L. Brillouin;
P. Debye,
M. Knudsen,
W.L. Bragg,
H. A. Kramers,
P. A. M. Dirac,
A. H. Compton,
L. de Broglie,
M. Born,
N. Bohr;
I. Langmuir,
M. Planck,
M. Curie,
H.A . Lorentz,
A. Einstein,
P. Langevin,
Ch.-E. Guye,
C. T. R. Wilson,
O. W. Richardson
The Solvay Conferences (French: Conseils Solvay) have been devoted to outstanding preeminent open problems in both physics and chemistry. They began with the historic invitation-only 1911 Solvay Conference on Physics, considered a turning point in the world of physics, and continue to the present day.
1 1911 La théorie du rayonnement et les quanta The theory of radiation and quanta
2 1913 La structure de la matière The structure of matter
3 1921 Atomes et électrons Atoms and electrons
4 1924 Conductibilité électrique des métaux et problèmes connexes
5 1927 Electrons et photons
6 1930 Le magnétisme
7 1933 Structure et propriétés des noyaux atomiques
8 1948 Les particules élémentaires
9 1951 L'état solide
10 1954 Les électrons dans les métaux
11 1958 La structure et l'évolution de l'univers
12 1961 La théorie quantique des champs
13 1964 The Structure and Evolution of Galaxies
14 1967 Fundamental Problems in Elementary Particle Physics
15 1970 Symmetry Properties of Nuclei
16 1973 Astrophysics and Gravitation
17 1978 Order and Fluctuations in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanic
18 1982 Higher Energy Physics
19 1987 Surface Science
20 1991 Quantum Optics
21 1998 Dynamical Systems and Irreversibility
22 2001 The Physics of Communication
23 2005 The Quantum Structure of Space and Time
24 2008 Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter
25 2011 The Theory of the Quantum World
26 2014 Astrophysics and Cosmology
27 2017 The Physics of Living Matter: Space, Time and Information in Biology
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